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Edit File: fixtlsversions
#!/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl # cpanel - scripts/fixtlsversions Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C. # All rights reserved. # copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net # This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited package scripts::fixtlsversions; # This script is related to CPANEL-33512 and is expected to be # of limited usefulness outside of the one-time task to ensure # that TLSv1.2 is active for cpsrvd and other services. use strict; use warnings; use Cpanel::LoadModule (); use Cpanel::SSL::Protocols (); use Cpanel::ServerTasks (); use Cpanel::Imports; use Getopt::Long 'GetOptionsFromArray'; exit run(@ARGV) unless caller; sub run { my @args = @_; my ( $help, $dry_run, $update ); GetOptionsFromArray( \@args, 'help' => \$help, 'dry-run' => \$dry_run, 'update' => \$update, ) || return _usage(1); return _usage(0) if $help; return _usage(1) unless $dry_run xor $update; my $obj = __PACKAGE__->new( update => $update ); $obj->logmsg('Ensuring that web-accessible services have TLSv1.2 active …'); for my $try ( 1, 2 ) { $obj->adjust_cpsrvd_and_cpdavd(); $obj->adjust_apache(); if ( $obj->{failed} ) { $obj->logmsg( sprintf( '%d error(s) occurred.', $obj->{failed} ) ); if ( $try == 1 ) { $obj->logmsg('Trying again …'); delete $obj->{failed}; sleep 2; } } else { $obj->logmsg('Done.'); last; } } return $obj->{failed} ? 1 : 0; } sub new { my ( $package, %opts ) = @_; return bless {%opts}, $package; } sub adjust_cpsrvd_and_cpdavd { my ($self) = @_; for my $service (qw(cpsrvd cpdavd)) { my $module = "Cpanel::ServiceConfig::$service"; Cpanel::LoadModule::load_perl_module($module); my $conf_obj = $module->new(); my $settings_hr = $conf_obj->get_config(1); my $old_string = $settings_hr->{SSLVersion}; my $new_string = Cpanel::SSL::Protocols::upgrade_version_string_for_tls_1_2( $settings_hr->{SSLVersion}, '_' ); $settings_hr->{SSLVersion} = $new_string; if ( $new_string ne $old_string ) { if ( $self->{update} ) { eval { $conf_obj->validate($settings_hr) or die "Failed to validate configuration\n"; my ( $save_ok, $save_msg ) = $conf_obj->save_datastore($settings_hr); $conf_obj->update_config($settings_hr); Cpanel::ServerTasks::queue_task( ['CpServicesTasks'], "restartsrv $service" ); }; if ( my $exception = $@ ) { $self->logmsg("'$service' failed to update TLS protocols: $exception"); ++$self->{failed}; } else { $self->logmsg("'$service' switched $old_string to $new_string"); } } } else { $self->logmsg("'$service' left $old_string unchanged"); } } return; } sub adjust_apache { my ($self) = @_; require Cpanel::EA4::Conf; my $conf = Cpanel::EA4::Conf->instance(); my $old_string = $conf->sslprotocol; my $new_string = Cpanel::SSL::Protocols::upgrade_version_string_for_tls_1_2_apache($old_string); my $current = $conf->sslprotocol($new_string); if ( $new_string ne $old_string ) { if ( $self->{update} ) { eval { $conf->save; Cpanel::ServerTasks::queue_task( ['ApacheTasks'], 'build_apache_conf' ); }; if ( my $exception = $@ ) { $self->logmsg("'httpd' failed to update TLS protocols: $exception"); ++$self->{failed}; # rebuild conf but save restart for the next time it's necessary } else { $self->logmsg("'httpd' switched $old_string to $new_string"); } } } else { $self->logmsg("'httpd' left $old_string unchanged"); } return; } sub logmsg { my ( $self, $msg ) = @_; return logger()->info( sprintf( '%s%s', $self->{update} ? '' : '(dry run) ', $msg ) ); } sub _usage { my ($error) = @_; my $usage = <<EOU; usage: $0 --dry-run | --update You must specify one or the other, and you may not specify both. --dry-run: Do everything (including log messages) except make the actual changes --update: Make the changes EOU if ($error) { print STDERR $usage; return 1; } print $usage; return 0; }