0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: audio.pyc
� �?gc @ s� d Z d g Z d d l Z d d l m Z d d l m Z d d l m Z i d d 6d d 6d d 6d d 6Z d � Z d e f d � � YZ d S( s/ Class representing audio/* type MIME documents.t MIMEAudioi����N( t StringIO( t encoders( t MIMENonMultipartt basict aus x-wavt wavs x-aifft aifft aifcc C sZ | d } t | � } x= t j D]2 } | | | � } | d k r t j | d � Sq Wd S( s Try to identify a sound file type. sndhdr.what() has a pretty cruddy interface, unfortunately. This is why we re-do it here. It would be easier to reverse engineer the Unix 'file' command and use the standard 'magic' file, as shipped with a modern Unix. i i N( R t sndhdrt testst Nonet _sndhdr_MIMEmapt get( t datat hdrt fakefilet testfnt res( ( s&