0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: application.cpython-310.pyc
o R `� � @ s d Z eZg d�ZddlZddlmZ ddlZddlZddl Z ddl Z ddlZddlZzddl mZ W n eyA ddlmZ Y nw zddlm mZ W n ey_ ddlm mZ Y nw ddlmZmZ ddlmZmZ ddlmZ d Zd Z dd� Z!d d� Z"dd� Z#G dd� de$�Z%G dd� de%�Z&G dd� de%�Z'G dd� de(�Z)G dd� d�Z*G dd� de)�Z+G dd� de+�Z,G dd � d e)�Z-G d!d"� d"e)e*�Z.G d#d$� d$e*�Z/G d%d&� d&e+e*�Z0G d'd(� d(e)�Z1G d)d*� d*e)�Z2G d+d,� d,e+�Z3G d-d.� d.e)�Z4G d/d0� d0e)�Z5dS )1a� Navigate the resources exposed by a web service. The wadllib library helps a web client navigate the resources exposed by a web service. The service defines its resources in a single WADL file. wadllib parses this file and gives access to the resources defined inside. The client code can see the capabilities of a given resource and make the corresponding HTTP requests. If a request returns a representation of the resource, the client can bind the string representation to the wadllib Resource object. ) �Application�Link�Method�NoBoundRepresentationError� Parameter�RepresentationDefinition�ResponseDefinition�Resource�ResourceType� WADLError� N)�quote)� urlencode)�URI�merge)� _make_unicode� _string_types)�iso_strptimez xmlns:mapz http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchemac C s d| S )z)Scope a tag name with the WADL namespace.z&{http://research.sun.com/wadl/2006/10}� ��tag_namer r �5/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/wadllib/application.py�wadl_tagH s r c C s dt | � S )z#Turn a tag name into an XPath path.z./)r r r r r � wadl_xpathM s r c G s$ i }| D ]}|dur|� |� q|S )z<Merge any number of dictionaries, some of which may be None.N)�update)�dicts�final�dictr r r �_merge_dictsR s �r c @ � e Zd ZdZdS )r zAAn exception having to do with the state of the WADL application.N��__name__� __module__�__qualname__�__doc__r r r r r [ s r c @ r )r aA An unbound resource was used where wadllib expected a bound resource. To obtain the value of a resource's parameter, you first must bind the resource to a representation. Otherwise the resource has no idea what the value is and doesn't even know if you've given it a parameter name that makes sense. Nr r r r r r ` � r c @ r )�UnsupportedMediaTypeErrorz�A media type was given that's not supported in this context. A resource can only be bound to media types it has representations of. Nr r r r r r% j r$ r% c @ r )�WADLBasez?A base class for objects that contain WADL-derived information.Nr r r r r r&