0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: _distutils_system_mod.cpython-310.pyc
o ��+g� � @ s� d Z ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlm mZ ddl m mZ ddl m Z mZmZ ddlmZ G dd� de j�ZG dd� dej�Zd d � Zdd� Zd d� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Ze� dS )a Apply Debian-specific patches to distutils commands. Extracts the customized behavior from patches as reported in pypa/distutils#2 and applies those customizations (except for scheme definitions) to those commands. Place this module somewhere in sys.path to take effect. � N)�to_filename� safe_name�safe_version)�DistutilsOptionErrorc sF e Zd Zeejj�dg Z� fdd�Z� fdd�Z� fdd�Z � Z S )�install)zinstall-layout=Nz7installation layout to choose (known values: deb, unix)c � t � �� d | _d | _d S �N��super�initialize_options� prefix_option�install_layout��self�� __class__� �,/usr/lib/python3.10/_distutils_system_mod.pyr � zinstall.initialize_optionsc s� |dkrH| j r| j �� dv rd}n7| j �� dv rd}n-td��| jr+tj�| j�dks.t� r1d}ntj�| j�dkrFd | _| _ d | _ | _d}t� � |� d S ) N�posix_prefix)�deb� deb_system)�unix�"unknown value for --install-layout� /usr/local�/usr�posix_local)r �lowerr r �os�path�normpath�prefix�is_virtual_environment�exec_prefix�install_base�install_platbaser � select_scheme)r �namer r r r&