0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: ExportProfileData.php
<?php /** * This file contains code used to incrementally export a member's profile data * to one or more downloadable files. * * Simple Machines Forum (SMF) * * @package SMF * @author Simple Machines https://www.simplemachines.org * @copyright 2022 Simple Machines and individual contributors * @license https://www.simplemachines.org/about/smf/license.php BSD * * @version 2.1.0 */ /** * @todo Find a way to throttle the export rate dynamically when dealing with * truly enormous amounts of data. Specifically, if the dataset contains lots * of posts that are ridiculously large, one or another part of the system * might choke. */ /** * Class ExportProfileData_Background */ class ExportProfileData_Background extends SMF_BackgroundTask { /** * @var array A copy of $this->_details for access by the static functions * called from integration hooks. * * Even though this info is unique to a specific instance of this class, we * can get away with making this variable static because only one instance * of this class exists at a time. */ private static $export_details = array(); /** * @var array Temporary backup of the $modSettings array */ private static $real_modSettings = array(); /** * @var array The XSLT stylesheet used to transform the XML into HTML and * a (possibly empty) DOCTYPE declaration to insert into the source XML. * * Even though this info is unique to a specific instance of this class, we * can get away with making this variable static because only one instance * of this class exists at a time. */ private static $xslt_info = array('stylesheet' => '', 'doctype' => ''); /** * @var array Info to create a follow-up background task, if necessary. */ private $next_task = array(); /** * @var array Used to ensure we exit long running tasks cleanly. */ private $time_limit = 30; /** * This is the main dispatcher for the class. * It calls the correct private function based on the information stored in * the task details. * * @return bool Always returns true */ public function execute() { global $sourcedir, $smcFunc; if (!defined('EXPORTING')) define('EXPORTING', 1); // Avoid leaving files in an inconsistent state. ignore_user_abort(true); $this->time_limit = (ini_get('safe_mode') === false && @set_time_limit(MAX_CLAIM_THRESHOLD) !== false) ? MAX_CLAIM_THRESHOLD : ini_get('max_execution_time'); // This could happen if the user manually changed the URL params of the export request. if ($this->_details['format'] == 'HTML' && (!class_exists('DOMDocument') || !class_exists('XSLTProcessor'))) { require_once($sourcedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Profile-Export.php'); $export_formats = get_export_formats(); $this->_details['format'] = 'XML_XSLT'; $this->_details['format_settings'] = $export_formats['XML_XSLT']; } // Inform static functions of the export format, etc. self::$export_details = $this->_details; // For exports only, members can always see their own posts, even in boards that they can no longer access. $member_info = $this->getMinUserInfo(array($this->_details['uid'])); $member_info = array_merge($member_info[$this->_details['uid']], array( 'buddies' => array(), 'query_see_board' => '1=1', 'query_see_message_board' => '1=1', 'query_see_topic_board' => '1=1', 'query_wanna_see_board' => '1=1', 'query_wanna_see_message_board' => '1=1', 'query_wanna_see_topic_board' => '1=1', )); // Use some temporary integration hooks to manipulate BBC parsing during export. foreach (array('pre_parsebbc', 'post_parsebbc', 'bbc_codes', 'post_parseAttachBBC', 'attach_bbc_validate') as $hook) add_integration_function('integrate_' . $hook, 'ExportProfileData_Background::' . $hook, false); // Perform the export. if ($this->_details['format'] == 'XML') $this->exportXml($member_info); elseif ($this->_details['format'] == 'HTML') $this->exportHtml($member_info); elseif ($this->_details['format'] == 'XML_XSLT') $this->exportXmlXslt($member_info); // If necessary, create a new background task to continue the export process. if (!empty($this->next_task)) { $smcFunc['db_insert']('insert', '{db_prefix}background_tasks', array('task_file' => 'string-255', 'task_class' => 'string-255', 'task_data' => 'string', 'claimed_time' => 'int'), $this->next_task, array() ); } ignore_user_abort(false); return true; } /** * The workhorse of this class. Compiles profile data to XML files. * * @param array $member_info Minimal $user_info about the relevant member. */ protected function exportXml($member_info) { global $smcFunc, $sourcedir, $context, $modSettings, $settings, $user_info, $mbname; global $user_profile, $txt, $scripturl, $query_this_board; // For convenience... $uid = $this->_details['uid']; $lang = $this->_details['lang']; $included = $this->_details['included']; $start = $this->_details['start']; $latest = $this->_details['latest']; $datatype = $this->_details['datatype']; if (!isset($included[$datatype]['func']) || !isset($included[$datatype]['langfile'])) return; require_once($sourcedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'News.php'); require_once($sourcedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'ScheduledTasks.php'); // Setup. $done = false; $delay = 0; $context['xmlnews_uid'] = $uid; $context['xmlnews_limit'] = !empty($modSettings['export_rate']) ? $modSettings['export_rate'] : 250; $context[$datatype . '_start'] = $start[$datatype]; $datatypes = array_keys($included); // Fake a wee bit of $user_info so that loading the member data & language doesn't choke. $user_info = $member_info; loadEssentialThemeData(); $settings['actual_theme_dir'] = $settings['theme_dir']; $context['user']['id'] = $uid; $context['user']['language'] = $lang; loadMemberData($uid); loadLanguage(implode('+', array_unique(array('index', 'Modifications', 'Stats', 'Profile', $included[$datatype]['langfile']))), $lang); // @todo Ask lawyers whether the GDPR requires us to include posts in the recycle bin. $query_this_board = '{query_see_message_board}' . (!empty($modSettings['recycle_enable']) && $modSettings['recycle_board'] > 0 ? ' AND m.id_board != ' . $modSettings['recycle_board'] : ''); // We need a valid export directory. if (empty($modSettings['export_dir']) || !is_dir($modSettings['export_dir']) || !smf_chmod($modSettings['export_dir'])) { require_once($sourcedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Profile-Export.php'); if (create_export_dir() === false) return; } $export_dir_slash = $modSettings['export_dir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $idhash = hash_hmac('sha1', $uid, get_auth_secret()); $idhash_ext = $idhash . '.' . $this->_details['format_settings']['extension']; // Increment the file number until we reach one that doesn't exist. $filenum = 1; $realfile = $export_dir_slash . $filenum . '_' . $idhash_ext; while (file_exists($realfile)) $realfile = $export_dir_slash . ++$filenum . '_' . $idhash_ext; $tempfile = $export_dir_slash . $idhash_ext . '.tmp'; $progressfile = $export_dir_slash . $idhash_ext . '.progress.json'; $feed_meta = array( 'title' => sprintf($txt['profile_of_username'], $user_profile[$uid]['real_name']), 'desc' => sentence_list(array_map( function ($datatype) use ($txt) { return $txt[$datatype]; }, array_keys($included) )), 'author' => $mbname, 'source' => $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $uid, 'self' => '', // Unused, but can't be null. 'page' => &$filenum, ); // Some paranoid hosts disable or hamstring the disk space functions in an attempt at security via obscurity. $check_diskspace = !empty($modSettings['export_min_diskspace_pct']) && function_exists('disk_free_space') && function_exists('disk_total_space') && intval(@disk_total_space($modSettings['export_dir']) >= 1440); $minspace = $check_diskspace ? ceil(disk_total_space($modSettings['export_dir']) * $modSettings['export_min_diskspace_pct'] / 100) : 0; // If a necessary file is missing, we need to start over. if (!file_exists($tempfile) || !file_exists($progressfile) || filesize($progressfile) == 0) { foreach (array_merge(array($tempfile, $progressfile), glob($export_dir_slash . '*_' . $idhash_ext)) as $fpath) @unlink($fpath); $filenum = 1; $realfile = $export_dir_slash . $filenum . '_' . $idhash_ext; buildXmlFeed('smf', array(), $feed_meta, 'profile'); file_put_contents($tempfile, implode('', $context['feed']), LOCK_EX); $progress = array_fill_keys($datatypes, 0); file_put_contents($progressfile, $smcFunc['json_encode']($progress)); } else $progress = $smcFunc['json_decode'](file_get_contents($progressfile), true); // Get the data, always in ascending order. $xml_data = call_user_func($included[$datatype]['func'], 'smf', true); // No data retrived? Just move on then. if (empty($xml_data)) $datatype_done = true; // Basic profile data is quick and easy. elseif ($datatype == 'profile') { buildXmlFeed('smf', $xml_data, $feed_meta, 'profile'); file_put_contents($tempfile, implode('', $context['feed']), LOCK_EX); $progress[$datatype] = time(); $datatype_done = true; // Cache for subsequent reuse. $profile_basic_items = $context['feed']['items']; cache_put_data('export_profile_basic-' . $uid, $profile_basic_items, MAX_CLAIM_THRESHOLD); } // Posts and PMs... else { // We need the basic profile data in every export file. $profile_basic_items = cache_get_data('export_profile_basic-' . $uid, MAX_CLAIM_THRESHOLD); if (empty($profile_basic_items)) { $profile_data = call_user_func($included['profile']['func'], 'smf', true); buildXmlFeed('smf', $profile_data, $feed_meta, 'profile'); $profile_basic_items = $context['feed']['items']; cache_put_data('export_profile_basic-' . $uid, $profile_basic_items, MAX_CLAIM_THRESHOLD); unset($context['feed']); } $per_page = $this->_details['format_settings']['per_page']; $prev_item_count = empty($this->_details['item_count']) ? 0 : $this->_details['item_count']; // If the temp file has grown enormous, save it so we can start a new one. clearstatcache(); if (file_exists($tempfile) && filesize($tempfile) >= 1024 * 1024 * 250) { rename($tempfile, $realfile); $realfile = $export_dir_slash . ++$filenum . '_' . $idhash_ext; if (empty($context['feed']['header'])) buildXmlFeed('smf', array(), $feed_meta, 'profile'); file_put_contents($tempfile, implode('', array($context['feed']['header'], $profile_basic_items, $context['feed']['footer'])), LOCK_EX); $prev_item_count = 0; } // Split $xml_data into reasonably sized chunks. if (empty($prev_item_count)) { $xml_data = array_chunk($xml_data, $per_page); } else { $first_chunk = array_splice($xml_data, 0, $per_page - $prev_item_count); $xml_data = array_merge(array($first_chunk), array_chunk($xml_data, $per_page)); unset($first_chunk); } foreach ($xml_data as $chunk => $items) { unset($new_item_count, $last_id); // Remember the last item so we know where to start next time. $last_item = end($items); if (isset($last_item['content'][0]['content']) && $last_item['content'][0]['tag'] === 'id') $last_id = $last_item['content'][0]['content']; // Build the XML string from the data. buildXmlFeed('smf', $items, $feed_meta, 'profile'); // If disk space is insufficient, pause for a day so the admin can fix it. if ($check_diskspace && disk_free_space($modSettings['export_dir']) - $minspace <= strlen(implode('', $context['feed']) . self::$xslt_info['stylesheet'])) { loadLanguage('Errors'); log_error(sprintf($txt['export_low_diskspace'], $modSettings['export_min_diskspace_pct'])); $delay = 86400; } else { // We need a file to write to, of course. if (!file_exists($tempfile)) file_put_contents($tempfile, implode('', array($context['feed']['header'], $profile_basic_items, $context['feed']['footer'])), LOCK_EX); // Insert the new data before the feed footer. $handle = fopen($tempfile, 'r+'); if (is_resource($handle)) { flock($handle, LOCK_EX); fseek($handle, strlen($context['feed']['footer']) * -1, SEEK_END); $bytes_written = fwrite($handle, $context['feed']['items'] . $context['feed']['footer']); // If we couldn't write everything, revert the changes and consider the write to have failed. if ($bytes_written > 0 && $bytes_written < strlen($context['feed']['items'] . $context['feed']['footer'])) { fseek($handle, $bytes_written * -1, SEEK_END); $pointer_pos = ftell($handle); ftruncate($handle, $pointer_pos); rewind($handle); fseek($handle, 0, SEEK_END); fwrite($handle, $context['feed']['footer']); $bytes_written = false; } flock($handle, LOCK_UN); fclose($handle); } // Write failed. We'll try again next time. if (empty($bytes_written)) { $delay = MAX_CLAIM_THRESHOLD; break; } // All went well. else { // Track progress by ID where appropriate, and by time otherwise. $progress[$datatype] = !isset($last_id) ? time() : $last_id; file_put_contents($progressfile, $smcFunc['json_encode']($progress)); // Are we done with this datatype yet? if (!isset($last_id) || (count($items) < $per_page && $last_id >= $latest[$datatype])) $datatype_done = true; // Finished the file for this chunk, so move on to the next one. if (count($items) >= $per_page - $prev_item_count) { rename($tempfile, $realfile); $realfile = $export_dir_slash . ++$filenum . '_' . $idhash_ext; $prev_item_count = $new_item_count = 0; } // This was the last chunk. else { // Should we append more items to this file next time? $new_item_count = isset($last_id) ? $prev_item_count + count($items) : 0; } } } } } if (!empty($datatype_done)) { $datatype_key = array_search($datatype, $datatypes); $done = !isset($datatypes[$datatype_key + 1]); if (!$done) $datatype = $datatypes[$datatype_key + 1]; } // Remove the .tmp extension from the final tempfile so the system knows it's done. if (!empty($done)) { rename($tempfile, $realfile); } // Oops. Apparently some sneaky monkey cancelled the export while we weren't looking. elseif (!file_exists($progressfile)) { @unlink($tempfile); return; } // We have more work to do again later. else { $start[$datatype] = $progress[$datatype]; $new_details = array( 'format' => $this->_details['format'], 'uid' => $uid, 'lang' => $lang, 'included' => $included, 'start' => $start, 'latest' => $latest, 'datatype' => $datatype, 'format_settings' => $this->_details['format_settings'], 'last_page' => $this->_details['last_page'], 'dlfilename' => $this->_details['dlfilename'], ); if (!empty($new_item_count)) $new_details['item_count'] = $new_item_count; $this->next_task = array('$sourcedir/tasks/ExportProfileData.php', 'ExportProfileData_Background', $smcFunc['json_encode']($new_details), time() - MAX_CLAIM_THRESHOLD + $delay); if (!file_exists($tempfile)) { buildXmlFeed('smf', array(), $feed_meta, 'profile'); file_put_contents($tempfile, implode('', array($context['feed']['header'], !empty($profile_basic_items) ? $profile_basic_items : '', $context['feed']['footer'])), LOCK_EX); } } file_put_contents($progressfile, $smcFunc['json_encode']($progress)); } /** * Compiles profile data to HTML. * * Internally calls exportXml() and then uses an XSLT stylesheet to * transform the XML files into HTML. * * @param array $member_info Minimal $user_info about the relevant member. */ protected function exportHtml($member_info) { global $modSettings, $context, $smcFunc, $sourcedir; $context['export_last_page'] = $this->_details['last_page']; $context['export_dlfilename'] = $this->_details['dlfilename']; // Perform the export to XML. $this->exportXml($member_info); // Determine which files, if any, are ready to be transformed. $export_dir_slash = $modSettings['export_dir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $idhash = hash_hmac('sha1', $this->_details['uid'], get_auth_secret()); $idhash_ext = $idhash . '.' . $this->_details['format_settings']['extension']; $new_exportfiles = array(); foreach (glob($export_dir_slash . '*_' . $idhash_ext) as $completed_file) { if (file_get_contents($completed_file, false, null, 0, 6) == '<?xml ') $new_exportfiles[] = $completed_file; } if (empty($new_exportfiles)) return; // Get the XSLT stylesheet. require_once($sourcedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Profile-Export.php'); self::$xslt_info = get_xslt_stylesheet($this->_details['format'], $this->_details['uid']); // Set up the XSLT processor. $xslt = new DOMDocument(); $xslt->loadXML(self::$xslt_info['stylesheet']); $xsltproc = new XSLTProcessor(); $xsltproc->importStylesheet($xslt); $libxml_options = 0; foreach (array('LIBXML_COMPACT', 'LIBXML_PARSEHUGE', 'LIBXML_BIGLINES') as $libxml_option) if (defined($libxml_option)) $libxml_options = $libxml_options | constant($libxml_option); // Transform the files to HTML. $i = 0; $num_files = count($new_exportfiles); $max_transform_time = 0; $xmldoc = new DOMDocument(); foreach ($new_exportfiles as $exportfile) { if (function_exists('apache_reset_timeout')) @apache_reset_timeout(); $started = microtime(true); $xmldoc->load($exportfile, $libxml_options); $xsltproc->transformToURI($xmldoc, $exportfile); $finished = microtime(true); $max_transform_time = max($max_transform_time, $finished - $started); // When deadlines loom, sometimes the best solution is procrastination. if (++$i < $num_files && TIME_START + $this->time_limit < $finished + $max_transform_time * 2) { // After all, there's always next time. if (empty($this->next_task)) { $progressfile = $export_dir_slash . $idhash_ext . '.progress.json'; $new_details = $this->_details; $new_details['start'] = $smcFunc['json_decode'](file_get_contents($progressfile), true); $this->next_task = array('$sourcedir/tasks/ExportProfileData.php', 'ExportProfileData_Background', $smcFunc['json_encode']($new_details), time() - MAX_CLAIM_THRESHOLD); } // So let's just relax and take a well deserved... break; } } } /** * Compiles profile data to XML with embedded XSLT. * * Internally calls exportXml() and then embeds an XSLT stylesheet into * the XML so that it can be processed by the client. * * @param array $member_info Minimal $user_info about the relevant member. */ protected function exportXmlXslt($member_info) { global $modSettings, $context, $smcFunc, $sourcedir; $context['export_last_page'] = $this->_details['last_page']; $context['export_dlfilename'] = $this->_details['dlfilename']; // Embedded XSLT requires adding a special DTD and processing instruction in the main XML document. add_integration_function('integrate_xml_data', 'ExportProfileData_Background::add_dtd', false); // Perform the export to XML. $this->exportXml($member_info); // Make sure we have everything we need. if (empty(self::$xslt_info['stylesheet'])) { require_once($sourcedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Profile-Export.php'); self::$xslt_info = get_xslt_stylesheet($this->_details['format'], $this->_details['uid']); } if (empty($context['feed']['footer'])) { require_once($sourcedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'News.php'); buildXmlFeed('smf', array(), array_fill_keys(array('title', 'desc', 'source', 'self'), ''), 'profile'); } // Find any completed files that don't yet have the stylesheet embedded in them. $export_dir_slash = $modSettings['export_dir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $idhash = hash_hmac('sha1', $this->_details['uid'], get_auth_secret()); $idhash_ext = $idhash . '.' . $this->_details['format_settings']['extension']; $test_length = strlen(self::$xslt_info['stylesheet'] . $context['feed']['footer']); $new_exportfiles = array(); clearstatcache(); foreach (glob($export_dir_slash . '*_' . $idhash_ext) as $completed_file) { if (filesize($completed_file) < $test_length || file_get_contents($completed_file, false, null, $test_length * -1) !== self::$xslt_info['stylesheet'] . $context['feed']['footer']) $new_exportfiles[] = $completed_file; } if (empty($new_exportfiles)) return; // Embedding the XSLT means writing to the file yet again. foreach ($new_exportfiles as $exportfile) { $handle = fopen($exportfile, 'r+'); if (is_resource($handle)) { flock($handle, LOCK_EX); fseek($handle, strlen($context['feed']['footer']) * -1, SEEK_END); $bytes_written = fwrite($handle, self::$xslt_info['stylesheet'] . $context['feed']['footer']); // If we couldn't write everything, revert the changes. if ($bytes_written > 0 && $bytes_written < strlen(self::$xslt_info['stylesheet'] . $context['feed']['footer'])) { fseek($handle, $bytes_written * -1, SEEK_END); $pointer_pos = ftell($handle); ftruncate($handle, $pointer_pos); rewind($handle); fseek($handle, 0, SEEK_END); fwrite($handle, $context['feed']['footer']); } flock($handle, LOCK_UN); fclose($handle); } } } /** * Adds a custom DOCTYPE definition and an XSLT processing instruction to * the main XML file's header. */ public static function add_dtd(&$xml_data, &$feed_meta, &$namespaces, &$extraFeedTags, &$forceCdataKeys, &$nsKeys, $xml_format, $subaction, &$doctype) { global $sourcedir; require_once($sourcedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Profile-Export.php'); self::$xslt_info = get_xslt_stylesheet(self::$export_details['format'], self::$export_details['uid']); $doctype = self::$xslt_info['doctype']; } /** * Adjusts some parse_bbc() parameters for the special case of exports. */ public static function pre_parsebbc(&$message, &$smileys, &$cache_id, &$parse_tags) { global $modSettings, $context, $user_info; $cache_id = ''; if (in_array(self::$export_details['format'], array('HTML', 'XML_XSLT'))) { foreach (array('smileys_url', 'attachmentThumbnails') as $var) if (isset($modSettings[$var])) self::$real_modSettings[$var] = $modSettings[$var]; $modSettings['smileys_url'] = '.'; $modSettings['attachmentThumbnails'] = false; } else { $smileys = false; if (!isset($modSettings['disabledBBC'])) $modSettings['disabledBBC'] = 'attach'; else { self::$real_modSettings['disabledBBC'] = $modSettings['disabledBBC']; if (strpos($modSettings['disabledBBC'], 'attach') === false) $modSettings['disabledBBC'] = implode(',', array_merge(array_filter(explode(',', $modSettings['disabledBBC'])), array('attach'))); } } } /** * Reverses changes made by pre_parsebbc() */ public static function post_parsebbc(&$message, &$smileys, &$cache_id, &$parse_tags) { global $modSettings, $context; foreach (array('disabledBBC', 'smileys_url', 'attachmentThumbnails') as $var) if (isset(self::$real_modSettings[$var])) $modSettings[$var] = self::$real_modSettings[$var]; } /** * Adjusts certain BBCodes for the special case of exports. */ public static function bbc_codes(&$codes, &$no_autolink_tags) { foreach ($codes as &$code) { // To make the "Select" link work we'd need to embed a bunch more JS. Not worth it. if ($code['tag'] === 'code') $code['content'] = preg_replace('~<a class="codeoperation\b.*?</a>~', '', $code['content']); } } /** * Adjusts the attachment download URL for the special case of exports. */ public static function post_parseAttachBBC(&$attachContext) { global $scripturl, $context; static $dltokens; if (empty($dltokens[$context['xmlnews_uid']])) { $idhash = hash_hmac('sha1', $context['xmlnews_uid'], get_auth_secret()); $dltokens[$context['xmlnews_uid']] = hash_hmac('sha1', $idhash, get_auth_secret()); } $attachContext['orig_href'] = $scripturl . '?action=profile;area=dlattach;u=' . $context['xmlnews_uid'] . ';attach=' . $attachContext['id'] . ';t=' . $dltokens[$context['xmlnews_uid']]; $attachContext['href'] = rawurlencode($attachContext['id'] . ' - ' . html_entity_decode($attachContext['name'])); } /** * Adjusts the format of the HTML produced by the attach BBCode. */ public static function attach_bbc_validate(&$returnContext, $currentAttachment, $tag, $data, $disabled, $params) { global $smcFunc, $txt; $orig_link = '<a href="' . $currentAttachment['orig_href'] . '" class="bbc_link">' . $txt['export_download_original'] . '</a>'; $hidden_orig_link = ' <a href="' . $currentAttachment['orig_href'] . '" class="bbc_link dlattach_' . $currentAttachment['id'] . '" style="display:none; flex: 1 0 auto; margin: auto;">' . $txt['export_download_original'] . '</a>'; if ($params['{display}'] == 'link') { $returnContext .= ' (' . $orig_link . ')'; } elseif (!empty($currentAttachment['is_image'])) { $returnContext = '<span style="display: inline-flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; position: relative;">' . preg_replace( array( 'thumbnail_toggle' => '~</?a\b[^>]*>~', 'src' => '~src="' . preg_quote($currentAttachment['href'], '~') . ';image"~', ), array( 'thumbnail_toggle' => '', 'src' => 'src="' . $currentAttachment['href'] . '" onerror="$(\'.dlattach_' . $currentAttachment['id'] . '\').show(); $(\'.dlattach_' . $currentAttachment['id'] . '\').css({\'position\': \'absolute\'});"', ), $returnContext ) . $hidden_orig_link . '</span>' ; } elseif (strpos($currentAttachment['mime_type'], 'video/') === 0) { $returnContext = preg_replace( array( 'src' => '~src="' . preg_quote($currentAttachment['href'], '~') . '"~', 'opening_tag' => '~^<div class="videocontainer"~', 'closing_tag' => '~</div>$~', ), array( 'src' => '$0 onerror="$(this).fadeTo(0, 0.2); $(\'.dlattach_' . $currentAttachment['id'] . '\').show(); $(\'.dlattach_' . $currentAttachment['id'] . '\').css({\'position\': \'absolute\'});"', 'opening_tag' => '<div class="videocontainer" style="display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; position: relative;"', 'closing_tag' => $hidden_orig_link . '</div>', ), $returnContext ); } elseif (strpos($currentAttachment['mime_type'], 'audio/') === 0) { $returnContext = '<span style="display: inline-flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; position: relative;">' . preg_replace( array( 'opening_tag' => '~^<audio\b~', ), array( 'opening_tag' => '<audio onerror="$(this).fadeTo(0, 0); $(\'.dlattach_' . $currentAttachment['id'] . '\').show(); $(\'.dlattach_' . $currentAttachment['id'] . '\').css({\'position\': \'absolute\'});"', ), $returnContext ) . $hidden_orig_link . '</span>'; } else { $returnContext = '<span style="display: inline-flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; position: relative;">' . preg_replace( array( 'obj_opening' => '~^<object\b~', 'link' => '~<a href="' . preg_quote($currentAttachment['href'], '~') . '" class="bbc_link">([^<]*)</a>~', ), array( 'obj_opening' => '<object onerror="$(this).fadeTo(0, 0.2); $(\'.dlattach_' . $currentAttachment['id'] . '\').show(); $(\'.dlattach_' . $currentAttachment['id'] . '\').css({\'position\': \'absolute\'});"~', 'link' => '$0 (' . $orig_link . ')', ), $returnContext ) . $hidden_orig_link . '</span>'; } } } ?>