0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: version.cpython-310.pyc
o ��f � @ s� d Z ddlZddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZm Z m Z ddlmZm Z ddlmZ ddlmZ d Zd Zdefdd �Zdee fdd�Zdee fdd�ZdS )z" Client version related functions � N)�inf)�Optional)�get_apt_cache_time�get_pkg_candidate_version�version_compare)�CANDIDATE_CACHE_PATH�UAC_RUN_PATH)�ProcessExecutionError)�subp�34z34~22.04�returnc C sp t �d�st S tj�tj�t��} tj�tj�| d��r6g d�}zt|�\}}|� � W S t y5 Y tS w tS )aO Return the packaged version as a string Prefer the binary PACKAGED_VESION set by debian/rules to DEB_VERSION. If unavailable, check for a .git development environments: a. If run in our upstream repo `git describe` will gives a leading XX.Y so return the --long version to allow daily build recipes to count commit offset from upstream's XX.Y signed tag. b. If run in a git-ubuntu pkg repo, upstream tags aren't visible, believe __VERSION__ is correct - there is and MUST always be a test to make sure it matches debian/changelog z@@PACKAGED_VERSIONz.git)�git�describez --abbrev=8z--match=[0-9]*z--long)�PACKAGED_VERSION� startswith�os�path�dirname�__file__�exists�joinr �stripr �__VERSION__)�topdir�cmd�out�_� r �2/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/uaclient/version.py�get_version s �r c C s� t � pt} tj�t�rt�t�j| k rUd }z.td�}|rBtj t dd� ttd��}|�|� W d � |W S 1 s:w Y |W S W n t yT |d urR| Y S Y nw zttd��}|�� �� W d � W S 1 smw Y W d S t y~ Y d S w )Nzubuntu-pro-clientT)�exist_ok�w�r)r r r r r r �stat�st_mtimer �makedirsr �open�write� Exception�readr )�last_apt_cache_update�candidate_version�fr r r �get_last_known_candidate/ s<