0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: version.cpython-310.pyc
o �_�a�2 � @ s\ d Z ddlZddlZddlZejdd� �ZG dd� d�ZG dd� de�ZG d d � d e�ZdS )a� Provides classes to represent module version numbers (one class for each style of version numbering). There are currently two such classes implemented: StrictVersion and LooseVersion. Every version number class implements the following interface: * the 'parse' method takes a string and parses it to some internal representation; if the string is an invalid version number, 'parse' raises a ValueError exception * the class constructor takes an optional string argument which, if supplied, is passed to 'parse' * __str__ reconstructs the string that was passed to 'parse' (or an equivalent string -- ie. one that will generate an equivalent version number instance) * __repr__ generates Python code to recreate the version number instance * _cmp compares the current instance with either another instance of the same class or a string (which will be parsed to an instance of the same class, thus must follow the same rules) � Nc c sJ � t jdd��} t jdtdd� | V W d � d S 1 sw Y d S )NT)�record�defaultz)distutils Version classes are deprecated.)�action�category�message)�warnings�catch_warnings�filterwarnings�DeprecationWarning)�ctx� r �?/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/setuptools/_distutils/version.py�suppress_known_deprecation"