0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: utils.cpython-310.pyc
o 4��f� � @ sX d dl mZ d dlZd dlZd dlmZmZ d dlZd dlZdd� Z dd� Z dd � ZdS ) � )�print_functionN)�Optional�Tuplec C sR |d }|d }| j | | j| d }| j| d }|dkr%d}|d8 }||fS )z� get the (year, month) tuple when the maintenance for the distribution ends. Needs the data of the release and the number of months that its is supported as input � r � )�year�month)�release_date�m_months�years�months�support_end_year�support_end_month� r �+/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/apt/utils.py�get_maintenance_end_date s �r c C s� | rt j�| �s dS t �t�| ���'}t�|�}t|�}d|vr) W d � dS |d }t�|�W d � S 1 s<w Y dS )zF return the release date as time_t for the given release file N�Date) �os�path�exists�fdopen�apt_pkg�open_maybe_clear_signed_file�TagFile�next�str_to_time)r �data�tag�section�dater r r �"get_release_date_from_release_file2 s �$�r c C s || vrdS | | }d}|j jD ]%}|du s|jdu rq|jD ]\}}|j|kr4|j|kr4|j|kr4|}qq|s:dS | j�|jd d �} | jjD ]=} | j D ]7}| r�| j |j kr�| jr�tj �d�}dD ]!} t�| j�d| j| f }tj�|| �r�|| S qcqNqIdS )z- get the release file that provides this pkg Nr zDir::State::lists)� InRelease�Releasezdists_%s_%s)�_pkg�version_list� file_list�origin�label�archive�_list� find_index�list�index_files�describe� is_trustedr �config�find_dir�uri_to_filename�uri�distr r r )�cache�pkgnamer'