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Edit File: util.cpython-310.pyc
o V��\� � @ s d Z ddlZddlZddlmZmZ ddlZddlZddlZddl m Z mZ ddlZ ddlmZ e� Zdd� Ze�dej�Zd d � Ze�d�Zdd d�Zdd� ZG dd� dej�Zddd�ZejZG dd� de�Ze jZ ej!Z!ej"Z"ej#Z#ej$Z$ej%Z%ej&Z&dS )z� babel.util ~~~~~~~~~~ Various utility classes and functions. :copyright: (c) 2013-2019 by the Babel Team. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. � N)� timedelta�tzinfo)�izip�imap)� localtimec c s2 � t � }t| �D ]}||vr|V |�|� qdS )a� Yield all items in an iterable collection that are distinct. Unlike when using sets for a similar effect, the original ordering of the items in the collection is preserved by this function. >>> print(list(distinct([1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4]))) [1, 2, 3, 4] >>> print(list(distinct('foobar'))) ['f', 'o', 'b', 'a', 'r'] :param iterable: the iterable collection providing the data N)�set�iter�add)�iterable�seen�item� r �,/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/babel/util.py�distinct s � ��r s( [ \t\f]* \# .* coding[=:][ \t]*([-\w.]+)c C s | � � }| �d� zw| �� }|�tj�}|r|ttj�d� }t�|�}|sJzddl }|� |�d�� W n tt tfy@ Y n w | �� }t�|�}|ri|ra|�d��d�}|dkrat d�|���W | �|� dS |ry|�d��d�W | �|� S W | �|� dS | �|� w )a/ Deduce the encoding of a source file from magic comment. It does this in the same way as the `Python interpreter`__ .. __: https://docs.python.org/3.4/reference/lexical_analysis.html#encoding-declarations The ``fp`` argument should be a seekable file object. (From Jeff Dairiki) r N�latin-1� zutf-8zencoding problem: {0} with BOM)�tell�seek�readline� startswith�codecs�BOM_UTF8�len�PYTHON_MAGIC_COMMENT_re�match�parser�suite�decode�ImportError�SyntaxError�UnicodeEncodeError�group�format)�fp�pos�line1�has_bom�mr �line2�magic_comment_encodingr r r �parse_encoding1 sB � ����r* z'from\s+__future__\s+import\s+\(*(.+)\)*r c C s� ddl }| �� }| �d� d}zK| �� �|�}t�dd|�}t�dd|�}t�dd|�}t�|�D ]!}d d � |� d�� d�D �}|D ]}t||d�} | rQ|| jO }qBq1W | �|� |S | �|� w ) zRParse the compiler flags by :mod:`__future__` from the given Python code. r Nzimport\s*\([\r\n]+zimport (z,\s*[\r\n]+z, z\\\s*[\r\n]+� c S s g | ] }|� � � d ��qS )z())�strip)�.0�xr r r � <listcomp>} s z&parse_future_flags.<locals>.<listcomp>r �,) � __future__r r �readr �re�sub�PYTHON_FUTURE_IMPORT_re�finditerr! �split�getattr� compiler_flag) r# �encodingr1 r$ �flags�bodyr'