0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: test_zippath.cpython-310.pyc
o �b- � @ sT d Z ddlZddlZddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ dd� Z G dd � d e�Z dS ) z0 Test cases covering L{twisted.python.zippath}. � N)�_coerceToFilesystemEncoding)� ZipArchive)�AbstractFilePathTestsc C s� t d| �} t d|�}t�|d��5}t�| �D ]&\}}}|D ]}tj�||�}tj�||�t| �d d� }|�||� qqW d � dS 1 sHw Y dS )zI Create a zipfile on zfname, containing the contents of dirname' � �w� N) r �zipfile�ZipFile�os�walk�path�join�len�write) �dirname�zfname�zf�root�ignored�files�fname�fspath�arcpath� r �B/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/python/test/test_zippath.py�zipit s ���"�r c @ s0 e Zd ZdZdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd � Zd S )�ZipFilePathTestszk Test various L{ZipPath} path manipulations as well as reprs for L{ZipPath} and L{ZipArchive}. c s\ t �� � t� j� jd � td� j�� _t� jd �� _� j� _� fdd�� j D �� _ d S )N� .zipr c s g | ]}|� � j� jd ��qS )r )�replace�cmn)�.0�x��selfr r � <listcomp>0 s z*ZipFilePathTests.setUp.<locals>.<listcomp>) r �setUpr r r � nativecmnr r r �allr"