0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: test_twistd.cpython-310.pyc
o �b( � @ s� d Z ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZz ddlZddl Z W n ey1 dZ dZY nw e Z eZddlm Z ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZmZmZ ddlmZmZmZ dd lmZ dd lmZ ddl m!Z! ddl"m#Z#m$Z$ dd l%m&Z& ddl'm(Z(m)Z)m*Z* ddl+m,Z, ddl-m.Z. ddl/m0Z0 ddl1m(Z2m3Z3 ddl4m5Z5 ddl6m7Z7 ddl8m9Z9 ddl:m;Z; ddl<m=Z= ddl>m?Z? ddl@mAZA e5d�ZBeBr�ddlCmDZDmEZEmFZF e5d�ZGe5d�ZHe5d�ZIe5d�ZJd d!� ZKG d"d#� d#�ZLG d$d%� d%ejM�ZNG d&d'� d'e;jO�ZPG d(d)� d)eA�ZQeeB d*�G d+d,� d,eA��ZRG d-d.� d.eA�ZSG d/d0� d0�ZTG d1d2� d2ejU�ZVG d3d4� d4eA�ZWeeB d*�G d5d6� d6eA��ZXeeB d*�G d7d8� d8eA��ZYeeB d*�G d9d:� d:eA��ZZG d;d<� d<�Z[ee#�G d=d>� d>e[��Z\G d?d@� d@�Z]G dAdB� dBeA�Z^dCdD� Z_dEdF� Z`G dGdH� dHeA�ZaeeB d*�G dIdJ� dJeA��ZbeeB dK�G dLdM� dMeA��Zcee$�G dNdO� dOe=��ZdG dPdQ� dQe;jO�ZedRdS� ZfG dTdU� dUeA�ZgdS )VzE Tests for L{twisted.application.app} and L{twisted.scripts.twistd}. � N)�StringIO)�skipIf)�implementer)�verifyObject)�internet�logger�plugin)�app�reactors�service)� IServiceMaker)�ReactorBase)�Deferred)�IReactorDaemonize�_ISupportsExitSignalCapturing)�AlternateReactor)�ILogObserver�globalLogBeginner�globalLogPublisher)�util)� Componentized)�UserDatabase)r �textFromEventDict)� requireModule)�platformType)� UsageError)�twistd)� MemoryReactor)�MockOS)�TestCaseztwistd.scripts._twistd_unix)�UnixApplicationRunner� UnixAppLogger�checkPIDztwistd.python.syslog�profile�pstats�cProfilec s| t �t�� �}t�t�� ��t� }|�||j |� |j |j|j� � ��fdd�}| t d|j � | td|� | t d|j� dS )au Patch L{pwd.getpwnam} so that it behaves as though only one user exists and patch L{grp.getgrnam} so that it behaves as though only one group exists. @param patch: A function like L{TestCase.patch} which will be used to install the fake implementations. @type user: C{str} @param user: The name of the single user which will exist. @type uid: C{int} @param uid: The UID of the single user which will exist. @type group: C{str} @param group: The name of the single user which will exist. @type gid: C{int} @param gid: The GID of the single group which will exist. c s<