0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: temp_utils.cpython-310.pyc
o ���f� � @ s� d dl Z d dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dlmZ e�e �Z dZdZdde fdd�Zdde fd d �Zdd� Ze jdd d��Zdde fdd�Zdde fdd�ZdS )� N)�utilz/run/cloud-init/tmpz/var/tmp/cloud-initF� needs_exec C s2 | d ur| S |r t S t�� dkrtS tj�dd�S )Nr �TMPDIRz/tmp)�_EXE_ROOT_TMPDIR�os�getuid�_ROOT_TMPDIR�environ�get)�odirr � r �6/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cloudinit/temp_utils.py�get_tmp_ancestor s r c C sL t | |�}tj�|�st�|� t�|d� |r$t�|d�r$t� d|� |S )a% Return the proper 'dir' argument for tempfile functions. When root, cloud-init will use /run/cloud-init/tmp to avoid any cleaning that a distro boot might do on /tmp (such as systemd-tmpfiles-clean). If the caller of this function (mkdtemp or mkstemp) was provided with a 'dir' argument, then that is respected. @param odir: original 'dir' arg to 'mkdtemp' or other. @param needs_exe: Boolean specifying whether or not exe permissions are needed for tempdir. This is needed because /run is mounted noexec. i� �noexeczDRequested temporal dir with exe permission `%s` is mounted as noexec) r r �path�isdir�makedirs�chmodr � has_mount_opt�LOG�warning)r r �tdirr r r �_tempfile_dir_arg s �r c sD t � | d<