0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: tap.cpython-310.pyc
o �bv � @ sj d Z ddlmZ ddlmZmZ ddlmZ ddl m Z mZ ddlm Z G dd� de jej�Zd d � ZdS )z4 Support module for making SSH servers with twistd. � )�strports)�checkers�unix)�factory)�portal�strcred)�usagec st e Zd ZdZdZg d�g d�g d�g d�gZejejdd�ejd d�e� � d �d�Z � fdd �Z� fdd�Z� Z S )�Optionsz([-i <interface>] [-p <port>] [-d <dir>] z�Makes a Conch SSH server. If no authentication methods are specified, the default authentication methods are UNIX passwords and SSH public keys. If --auth options are passed, only the measures specified will be used.)� interface�i� z"local interface to which we listen)�port�pztcp:22zPort on which to listen)�data�dz/etcz"directory to look for host keys in)�modulir Nz:directory to look for moduli in (if different from --data)zdata directory)�descrzmoduli directory)r r r )� optActionsc sJ t jj| g|�R i |�� t� �t�� � t� �t�t�� �� d| _ d S )NT) r r �__init__�super� addChecker�conch_checkers�UNIXPasswordDatabase�SSHPublicKeyChecker�UNIXAuthorizedKeysFiles�_usingDefaultAuth)�self�a�kw�� __class__� �3/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/conch/tap.pyr + s � zOptions.__init__c s, | j rg | d<