0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: sourceslist.cpython-310.pyc
o 4��f1J � @ s d dl mZmZ d dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dl Z d dl Z ddlmZ g d�Z dd� Zdd � ZG d d� de�ZG dd � d e�ZG dd� de�ZG dd� de�Zedkr�e �� e� ZeD ]Ze�de�� � qcedd�Ze�de � e�edd�� e�edd�� dS dS )� )�absolute_import�print_functionN� )�DistInfo)� is_mirror�SourceEntry�NullMatcher�SourcesList�SourceEntryMatcherc C s� |� d�}| � d�} || krdS z|�d�d }| �d�d }W n ty* Y dS w d|v r>||�d�d d� |kr>dS dS )z� check if the given add_url is idential or a mirror of orig_uri e.g.: master_uri = archive.ubuntu.com compare_uri = de.archive.ubuntu.com -> True z/ Tz//r F�.N)�rstrip�split� IndexError�index)� master_uri�compare_uri�compare_srv� master_srv� r �8/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/aptsources/sourceslist.pyr . s �r c C s t t| ��S )a. simple and efficient way to return uniq collection This is not intended for use with a SourceList. It is provided for internal use only. It does not have a leading underscore to not break any old code that uses it; but it should not be used in new code (and is not listed in __all__).)�list�set��sr r r �uniqL s r c @ sJ e Zd ZdZddd�Zdd� Zdd� Zd d � Zdd� Zd d� Z dd� Z dS )r z single sources.list entry Nc C s| d| _ d| _d| _g | _d | _d| _d| _g | _d| _|| _ |d u r.t j�d�t j� d� }|| _| �|� d | _g | _d S )NF� zDir::Etc�Dir::Etc::sourcelist)�invalid�disabled�type� architectures�trusted�uri�dist�comps�comment�line�apt_pkg�config�find_dir�find�file�parse�template�children)�selfr&