0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: shortcuthandler.cpython-310.pyc
o U�7eea � @ s� d dl Z d dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dlmZ d dlmZm Z m Z d dlmZ d dl m Z d dlmZ d dlmZ e �� dZG d d � d e�ZG dd� de�ZG d d� de�ZdS )� N)� get_distro)�SourceEntry�SourcesList�CollapsedSourcesList)�suppress)�copy)�gettext)�urlparsez=gpg -q --no-options --no-default-keyring --batch --keyring %sc @ s� e Zd ZdZdTdd�Zedd� �Zedd � �Zed d� �Zedd � �Z e dd� �Ze dd� �Ze dd� �Z e dd� �Ze dd� �Ze dd� �ZdUdd�Ze dd� �Ze dd� �Zd d!� Zd"d#� Zd$d%� Zd&d'� Ze d(d)� �Ze d*d+� �Ze d,d-� �Ze d.d/� �Zd0d1� Zd2d3� Ze d4d5� �Ze d6d7� �Ze d8d9� �Z e d:d;� �Z!e d<d=� �Z"d>d?� Z#d@dA� Z$e dBdC� �Z%e dDdE� �Z&e dFdG� �Z'e dHdI� �Z(e dJdK� �Z)dLdM� Z*dUdNdO�Z+dUdPdQ�Z,dRdS� Z-dS )V�ShortcutHandleraC Superclass for shortcut handler implementations. This provides a way to take a apt repository reference, in various forms, and write the specific apt configuration to local files. This also can remove previously written configuration from local files. This class and any subclasses should never modify any main apt configuration files, only specifically named files in '.d' subdirs (e.g. sources.list.d, etc) should be modified. The only exception to that rule is adding or removing sourceslist lines or components of existing source entries. NFc K sT || _ |pg | _|| _t� | _|p| jj| _|| _|| _d | _d | _ d | _ d | _d S �N)�shortcut� components� enable_sourcer �distro�codename�pocket�dry_run� _source_entry� _filebase� _username� _password)�selfr r r r r r �kwargs� r �D/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/softwareproperties/shortcuthandler.py�__init__8 s zShortcutHandler.__init__c C s t |�}|jo |jS )z(Return if the uri is in valid uri format)r �scheme�netloc��cls�uri�parsedr r r �is_valid_uriJ s zShortcutHandler.is_valid_uric C s$ t |�}|j|j�d�d d��� S )z6Return the uri with the username and password stripped�@� �r )r �_replacer � rpartition�geturlr r r r �uri_strip_authP s zShortcutHandler.uri_strip_authc C s. t | �|��}d|||jf }|j|d��� S )z6Return the uri with the username and password includedz%s:%s@%sr% )r r) r r&