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Edit File: randbytes.cpython-310.pyc
o �b� � @ s| d Z ddlZddlZddlZeedd�ZejZG dd� de �Z G dd� de �ZG dd � d �Ze� Z e jZe jZ[ g d �ZdS )zQ Cryptographically secure random implementation, with fallback on normal random. � N�getrandbitsc @ � e Zd ZdZdS )�SecureRandomNotAvailablezD Exception raised when no secure random algorithm is found. N��__name__� __module__�__qualname__�__doc__� r r �:/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/python/randbytes.pyr � r c @ r )�SourceNotAvailablezQ Internal exception used when a specific random source is not available. Nr r r r r r r r c @ sR e Zd ZdZdZeZdd� Zddd�Zdd � Ze j Zed d �Zdd� Z d d� ZdS )� RandomFactoryz� Factory providing L{secureRandom} and L{insecureRandom} methods. You shouldn't have to instantiate this class, use the module level functions instead: it is an implementation detail and could be removed or changed arbitrarily. r c C s2 zt �|�W S ttfy } zt|��d}~ww )zO Wrapper around C{os.urandom} that cleanly manage its absence. N)�os�urandom�AttributeError�NotImplementedErrorr )�self�nbytes�er r r � _osUrandom- s ��zRandomFactory._osUrandomFc C sF z| � |�W S ty Y nw |rtjdtdd� | �|�S td��)ak Return a number of secure random bytes. @param nbytes: number of bytes to generate. @type nbytes: C{int} @param fallback: Whether the function should fallback on non-secure random or not. Default to C{False}. @type fallback: C{bool} @return: a string of random bytes. @rtype: C{str} zPurandom unavailable - proceeding with non-cryptographically secure random source� )�category� stacklevelz!No secure random source available)r r �warnings�warn�RuntimeWarning�insecureRandomr )r r �fallbackr r r �secureRandom6 s �� zRandomFactory.secureRandomc C s8 | j dur| � |d �}d|d | }t|�S td��)z3 Wrapper around C{os.getrandbits}. N� z%%0%dxr z#random.getrandbits is not available)r �_fromhexr )r r �n�hexBytesr r r � _randBitsS s zRandomFactory._randBits� c s d� � fdd�t|�D ��S )z6 Wrapper around the C{random} module. r% c s g | ]}t t�� j�g��qS r )�bytes�random�choice�_BYTES)�.0�i�r r r � <listcomp>d s z-RandomFactory._randModule.<locals>.<listcomp>)�join�range)r r r r, r �_randModule` s zRandomFactory._randModulec C s4 dD ]}z t | |�|�W S ty Y qw dS )z� Return a number of non secure random bytes. @param nbytes: number of bytes to generate. @type nbytes: C{int} @return: a string of random bytes. @rtype: C{str} )r$ r0 N)�getattrr )r r �srcr r r r f s ��zRandomFactory.insecureRandomN)F)r r r r � randomSourcesr r r r$ r&