0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: pyopenssl.cpython-310.pyc
o ��\" � @ s� d Z ddlmZmZmZ ddlZddlZddlmZ ddl m Z ddlmZ ddl mZ dd lmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZ dd lmZ dgZdd� Zd d� Zed�Zdd� ZdS )zA `pyOpenSSL <https://github.com/pyca/pyopenssl>`_-specific code. � )�absolute_import�division�print_functionN)�decode)� IA5String)�ObjectIdentifier)�GeneralNames� )�DNS_ID�CertificateError� DNSPattern�IPAddress_ID�IPAddressPattern� SRVPattern� URIPattern�verify_service_identity)�SubjectAltNameWarning�verify_hostnamec C � t t| �� �t|�gg d� dS )a? Verify whether the certificate of *connection* is valid for *hostname*. :param OpenSSL.SSL.Connection connection: A pyOpenSSL connection object. :param unicode hostname: The hostname that *connection* should be connected to. :raises service_identity.VerificationError: If *connection* does not provide a certificate that is valid for *hostname*. :raises service_identity.CertificateError: If the certificate chain of *connection* contains a certificate that contains invalid/unexpected data. :returns: ``None`` �� cert_patterns�obligatory_ids�optional_idsN)r �extract_ids�get_peer_certificater )� connection�hostname� r �</usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/service_identity/pyopenssl.pyr s �c C r )a� Verify whether the certificate of *connection* is valid for *ip_address*. :param OpenSSL.SSL.Connection connection: A pyOpenSSL connection object. :param unicode ip_address: The IP address that *connection* should be connected to. Can be an IPv4 or IPv6 address. :raises service_identity.VerificationError: If *connection* does not provide a certificate that is valid for *ip_address*. :raises service_identity.CertificateError: If the certificate chain of *connection* contains a certificate that contains invalid/unexpected data. :returns: ``None`` .. versionadded:: 18.1.0 r N)r r r r )r � ip_addressr r r �verify_ip_address7 s �r z1. C sp g }t j�| �� �D ]�}| �|�}|�� dkr�t|�� t� d�\}}|D ]g}|� � }|dkr:|� t|�� � � �� q$|dkrK|� t�|�� � � �� q$|dkr[|� t|�� � � �� q$|dkr�|�� }|�d�} | tkr�t|�d��\} }t| t�r�|� t| � � �� q$td �� q$ q$q |s�d d� | �� �� D �}tt|�d�}d d� |D �}tjd|�d�f tdd� |S )a Extract all valid IDs from a certificate for service verification. If *cert* doesn't contain any identifiers, the ``CN``s are used as DNS-IDs as fallback. :param OpenSSL.SSL.X509 cert: The certificate to be dissected. :return: List of IDs. s subjectAltName)�asn1Spec�dNSName� iPAddress�uniformResourceIdentifier� otherNamer r zUnexpected certificate content.c S s g | ]}|d dkr|d �qS )r s CNr r ��.0�cr r r � <listcomp>� s zextract_ids.<locals>.<listcomp>s <not given>c S s g | ]}t |��qS r )r r&