0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: po.nanorc
## Syntax highlighting for PO files. ## Original author: Benno Schulenberg ## License: GPL version 3 or newer syntax po "\.pot?$" comment "#" # Comments. color green "^#.*" color yellow "Copyright|\(C\)" # Header fields. color brightred "^"X-Bugs:.*"$" color brightmagenta "\<(Project-Id-Version|Report-Msgid-Bugs-To|Last-Translator|Language(-Team)?|X-Bugs|X-Generator|Plural-Forms)\>" color cyan "\<(POT-Creation-Date|PO-Revision-Date|MIME-Version|Content-Type|Content-Transfer-Encoding)\>" # Encodings and numbers. color yellow "\<(UTF|ISO|Windows|Mac|IBM)-[0-9]+" color yellow "\<((pre|rc)?[0-9]+|[0-9]bit)\>" # Msgids. color brightblue "^(msgid|msgid_plural|msgstr)\>" # Tags. color red " fuzzy(,|$)" color yellow " (no-)?[-[:alpha:]]+-format(,|$)" # Format specifiers. color brightmagenta "%([1-9]\$)?[#0 +'I-]?(\*([1-9]\$)?|[1-9](\.[0-9]?)?)?[hlLjzt]?[diouxXeEfFgGaAcspnm%]" # Quotes and escaped characters. color yellow """ color cyan "\\([abcefnrtv"\]|x[[:xdigit:]]{2}|[0-7]{3})" # Reminders. color brightwhite,yellow "\<(FIXME|TODO|XXX)\>" # Obsolete strings. color red "#~.*" # Stray control codes. color bold,pink,red "[[:cntrl:]]" # Tabs. color mint "[[:blank:]]"