0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: pack.cpython-310.pyc
o c�a$ � @ s\ d dl mZ d dlZd dlZd dlZd dlmZ d dlm Z e� d�Ze� d�Zdd� Z dS ) � )�print_functionN)� WheelError)� WheelFilez6^(?P<namever>(?P<name>.+?)-(?P<ver>\d.*?))\.dist-info$s Build: (\d\w*)$c st � fdd�t �� �D �}t|�dkrtd�� ���|s"td�� ���|d }t�|��d�}d}t j� � |d �}t |��8}g } |D ]"} | �d �rU| �| � d�d �� � qA| �d�rc| � d�d �� }qA| smtd �|���W d � n1 sww Y |dur�|n|}|dur�|r�|d| 7 }||kr�|r�d| �d�nd}t |d��(}|�� }t�||�\}} | s�||7 }|�d� |�� |�|� W d � n1 s�w Y tdd� | D ��}tdd� | D ��}tdd� | D ��}d� d� |�d� |�d� |�g�}t j� |d�||��}t|d��}td�|�dd� tj�� |�� � W d � n 1 �s/w Y td� dS )aB Repack a previously unpacked wheel directory into a new wheel file. The .dist-info/WHEEL file must contain one or more tags so that the target wheel file name can be determined. :param directory: The unpacked wheel directory :param dest_dir: Destination directory (defaults to the current directory) c s0 g | ]}t j�t j�� |��rt�|�r|�qS � )�os�path�isdir�join�DIST_INFO_RE�match)�.0�fn�� directoryr �0/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/wheel/cli/pack.py� <listcomp> s � �zpack.<locals>.<listcomp>� z+Multiple .dist-info directories found in {}z%No .dist-info directories found in {}r �nameverN�WHEELzTag: � zBuild: zCNo tags present in {}/WHEEL; cannot determine target wheel filename�-zBuild: %s �ascii� zrb+c S � h | ] }|� d �d �qS )r r ��split�r �tagr r r � <setcomp>F � zpack.<locals>.<setcomp>c S r )r r r r r r r r G r c S r )r � r r r r r r H r �.z {}-{}.whl�wzRepacking wheel as {}...� )�end�OK)r �listdir�lenr �formatr r �groupr r �open� startswith�appendr �rstrip�encode�read�BUILD_NUM_RE�subn�seek�truncate�write�sortedr �print�sys�stdout�flush�write_files)r �dest_dir�build_number�dist_info_dirs� dist_info_dir�name_version�existing_build_number�wheel_file_path�f�tags�line�replacement�wheel_file_content�num_replaced�impls�abivers� platforms�tagline� wheel_path�wfr r r �pack sf ���� � �" �rN )� __future__r �os.pathr �rer7 � wheel.clir �wheel.wheelfiler �compiler r0 rN r r r r �<module> s