0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: maildir.cpython-310.pyc
o �bMl � @ s~ d Z ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZ ddlmZ ddl m Z ddlmZm Z mZ ddlmZ ddlmZmZmZ dd lmZmZmZ dd lmZ ddlmZ ddlmZmZ d Z G dd� d�Z!e!e�j"Z#dd� Z$G dd� dej%�Z&e ej'�G dd� d��Z(e ej)�G dd� d��Z*G dd� dej+�Z,e ej-�G dd� d��Z.e ej/�G dd� de(��Z0e ej1�G dd� d��Z2dS ) z Maildir-style mailbox support. � N)�md5)�IO)�implementer)�checkers�credentials�portal)�UnauthorizedLogin)�defer� interfaces�reactor)�mail�pop3�smtp��dirdbm)�basic)�failure�logz�From: Twisted.mail Internals Subject: An Error Occurred An internal server error has occurred. Please contact the server administrator. c @ sD e Zd ZdZdZe�� Ze� � � dd�� dd�Zdd� Zd d � Z dS )�_MaildirNameGeneratoraK A utility class to generate a unique maildir name. @type n: L{int} @ivar n: A counter used to generate unique integers. @type p: L{int} @ivar p: The ID of the current process. @type s: L{bytes} @ivar s: A representation of the hostname. @ivar _clock: See C{clock} parameter of L{__init__}. r �/z\057�:z\072c C � || _ dS )z� @type clock: L{IReactorTime <interfaces.IReactorTime>} provider @param clock: A reactor which will be used to learn the current time. N)�_clock)�self�clock� r �6/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/mail/maildir.py�__init__8 � z_MaildirNameGenerator.__init__c C sb | j d | _ | j�� }tt|��}dt|t|� d �f }|� d|� d| j� d| j � d| j� � S )a� Generate a string which is intended to be unique across all calls to this function (across all processes, reboots, etc). Strings returned by earlier calls to this method will compare less than strings returned by later calls as long as the clock provided doesn't go backwards. @rtype: L{bytes} @return: A unique string. � z%07dg �cAz.M�P�Q�.)�nr �seconds�str�int�p�s)r �tr$ �microsecondsr r r �generate? s &z_MaildirNameGenerator.generateN)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__�__doc__r# �os�getpidr'