0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: jiffies.cpython-310.pyc
o ���cU � @ s d dl Z dd� ZdS )� Nc C s� t d�} t d�}| j}|j} |� }t�� }|dkrt�d� |� }t d| �}|�� }|�� t�|d� t|�� d �} t|�� d �} t |�� d �}t || d �}t || d �} || krcn| � d� |� d� q| �� |�� |S )a� Returns the number of jiffies per second for this machine. A jiffy is a value used by the kernel to report certain time-based events. Jiffies occur N times per second where N varies depending on the hardware the kernel is running on. This function gets the uptime for the current process, forks a child process and gets the uptime again; finally, using the running time of the child process compared with the uptimes to determine number of jiffies per second. z/proc/uptimeTr z /proc/%d/stat� g �?)�open�read�os�fork�_exit�close�waitpid�float�split�int�seek)�uptime1_file�uptime2_file�read_uptime1�read_uptime2�uptime1_data�pid�uptime2_data� stat_file� stat_data�seconds_uptime1�seconds_uptime2� jiffie_uptime�jiffies1�jiffies2� r �7/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/landscape/lib/jiffies.py�detect_jiffies s6 �r )r r r r r r �<module> s