0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: item.cpython-310.pyc
o j�_y � @ s� d Z ddlmZmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlm Z ddl mZmZ ddl mZmZmZmZmZ ddlmZmZmZ dd lmZ ed ZG dd � d e�ZdS ) aQ SecretStorage item contains a *secret*, some *attributes* and a *label* visible to user. Editing all these properties and reading the secret is possible only when the :doc:`collection <collection>` storing the item is unlocked. The collection can be unlocked using collection's :meth:`~secretstorage.collection.Collection.unlock` method.� )�Dict�Optional)�DBusConnection)� SS_PREFIX)�Session)�LockedException�PromptDismissedException)�DBusAddressWrapper�exec_prompt�open_session� format_secret�unlock_objects)�Cipher� algorithms�modes)�default_backend�Itemc @ s e Zd ZdZ d,dededee ddfdd�Zd d de fdd�Z de fd d�Zd-dd�Zde fdd�Z deeef fdd�Zdeeef ddfdd�Zdefdd�Zdeddfdd�Zd-dd�Zdefdd �Zdefd!d"�Z #d.d$ed%eddfd&d'�Zdefd(d)�Zdefd*d+�ZdS )/r zRepresents a secret item.N� connection� item_path�session�returnc C s0 || _ t|t|�| _| j�d� || _|| _d S )N�Label)r r � ITEM_IFACE�_item�get_propertyr r )�selfr r r � r �4/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/secretstorage/item.py�__init__ s z Item.__init__�otherr c C s t |jt�sJ �| j|jkS �N)� isinstancer �str)r r r r r �__eq__# s zItem.__eq__c C s t | j�d��S )zDReturns :const:`True` if item is locked, otherwise :const:`False`.�Locked)�boolr r �r r r r � is_locked'