0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: import_helper.cpython-310.pyc
o ��+g8 � @ s� d dl Z d dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZddlm Z e j ddd��Zdd� Zd d � Z dd� Zddd�dd�Zdd� Zd dd�ZG dd� de�ZG dd� de�Zdd� Zdd� ZdS )!� N� )�unlinkTc c sR � | r$t �� � t �ddt� dV W d � dS 1 sw Y dS dV dS )z�Context manager to suppress package and module deprecation warnings when importing them. If ignore is False, this context manager has no effect. �ignorez.+ (module|package)N)�warnings�catch_warnings�filterwarnings�DeprecationWarning)r � r �1/usr/lib/python3.10/test/support/import_helper.py�_ignore_deprecated_imports s � �"� r c C s$ zt j| = W d S ty Y d S w �N)�sys�modules�KeyError)�namer r r �unload s �r c C sT t | � tjD ] }tj�|| d �}t|d � dD ]}ttjj||d�� qqdS )z�'Forget' a module was ever imported. This removes the module from sys.modules and deletes any PEP 3147/488 or legacy .pyc files. z.py�c)� r � )�optimizationN) r r �path�os�joinr � importlib�util�cache_from_source)�modname�dirname�source�optr r r �forget$ s ��r c C sB t j�| �}tj�tj�| ��}tj�|| d �}t� ||� |S )a Move a PEP 3147/488 pyc file to its legacy pyc location. :param source: The file system path to the source file. The source file does not need to exist, however the PEP 3147/488 pyc file must exist. :return: The file system path to the legacy pyc file. r ) r r r r r r �abspathr �shutil�move)r �pyc_file�up_one� legacy_pycr r r �make_legacy_pyc4 s r'