0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: hosts.cpython-310.pyc
o �b� � @ sz d Z ddlmZ ddlmZmZ ddlmZmZ ddl m Z ddlmZ ddl mZ dd � Zd d� ZG dd � d ej�ZdS )z hosts(5) support. � )�defer)�isIPAddress� isIPv6Address)�common�dns)�failure)�nativeString)�FilePathc C s� g }z| � � �� }W n ty | Y S w |�� }|D ]F}|�d�}|dkr-|d|� }|s0q|�� }|�� dd� |dd� D �v rbzt|d �}W n tyT Y qw t|�s]t |�rb|� |� q|S )a� Search the given file, which is in hosts(5) standard format, for addresses associated with a given name. @param hostsFile: The name of the hosts(5)-format file to search. @type hostsFile: L{FilePath} @param name: The name to search for. @type name: C{bytes} @return: L{None} if the name is not found in the file, otherwise a C{str} giving the address in the file associated with the name. � #���Nc S s g | ]}|� � �qS � )�lower)�.0�sr r �5/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/names/hosts.py� <listcomp>/ s z$searchFileForAll.<locals>.<listcomp>� r )� getContent� splitlines� BaseExceptionr �find�splitr � ValueErrorr r �append)� hostsFile�name�results�lines�line�idx�parts�maybeIPr r r �searchFileForAll s0 � � �r"