0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: feed.xml.twig
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xml:lang="{{ FEED_LANG }}"> <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="{{ SELF_LINK }}" /> {% if not FEED_TITLE is empty %}<title>{{ FEED_TITLE }}</title>{% endif %} {% if not FEED_SUBTITLE is empty %}<subtitle>{{ FEED_SUBTITLE }}</subtitle>{% endif %} {% if not FEED_LINK is empty %}<link href="{{ FEED_LINK }}" />{% endif %} <updated>{{ FEED_UPDATED }}</updated> <author><name><![CDATA[{{ FEED_AUTHOR }}]]></name></author> <id>{{ SELF_LINK }}</id> {% for row in FEED_ROWS %} <entry> {% if not row.author is empty %}<author><name><![CDATA[{{ row.author }}]]></name></author>{% endif %} <updated>{% if not row.updated is empty %}{{ row.updated }}{% else %}{{ row.published }}{% endif %}</updated> {% if not row.published is empty %}<published>{{ row.published }}</published>{% endif %} <id>{{ row.link }}</id> <link href="{{ row.link }}"/> <title type="html"><![CDATA[{{ row.title }}]]></title> {% if not row.category is empty and row.category_name is defined and row.category_name != '' %} <category term="{{ row.category_name }}" scheme="{{ row.category }}" label="{{ row.category_name }}"/> {% endif %} <content type="html" xml:base="{{ row.link }}"><![CDATA[ {{ row.description }}{% if not row.statistics is empty %}<p>{{ lang('STATISTICS') }}: {{ row.statistics }}</p>{% endif %}<hr /> ]]></content> </entry> {% endfor %} </feed>