0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: features.cpython-310.pyc
o 3'�f} � @ sd d Z ddlZddlZddlmZ dZ dZ dZ dZ dZ dZ dZ deee f fdd �ZdS ) a? Feature flags are used as a way to easily toggle configuration **at build time**. They are provided to accommodate feature deprecation and downstream configuration changes. Currently used upstream values for feature flags are set in ``cloudinit/features.py``. Overrides to these values should be patched directly (e.g., via quilt patch) by downstreams. Each flag should include a short comment regarding the reason for the flag and intended lifetime. Tests are required for new feature flags, and tests must verify all valid states of a flag, not just the default state. � N)�DictTFz22.1�returnc C s dd� t jd j�� D �S )z@Return a dict of applicable features/overrides and their values.c S s* i | ]}t �d |�r|ttjd |��qS )z^[_A-Z0-9]+$�cloudinit.features)�re�match�getattr�sys�modules)�.0�k� r �4/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cloudinit/features.py� <dictcomp> s ��z get_features.<locals>.<dictcomp>r )r r �__dict__�keysr r r r �get_features} s �r )�__doc__r r �typingr �ERROR_ON_USER_DATA_FAILURE�+ALLOW_EC2_MIRRORS_ON_NON_AWS_INSTANCE_TYPES�EXPIRE_APPLIES_TO_HASHED_USERS�NETPLAN_CONFIG_ROOT_READ_ONLY�%NOCLOUD_SEED_URL_APPEND_FORWARD_SLASH�APT_DEB822_SOURCE_LIST_FILE�DEPRECATION_INFO_BOUNDARY�str�boolr r r r r �<module> s&