0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: exceptions.cpython-310.pyc
o ��g�Q � @ s d Z ddlZddlZddlmZmZmZ ddlmZm Z m Z mZmZ ddl mZmZ ddlmZmZmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ erZdd lmZ dd lmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ d ede fdd�Z!d eeef dedededef dd�Z"G dd� de#�Z$G dd� de$�Z%G dd� de$�Z&G dd� de$�Z'G dd� de$�Z(G d d!� d!e%�Z)G d"d#� d#e%�Z*G d$d%� d%e$�Z+G d&d'� d'e'�Z,G d(d)� d)e'�Z-G d*d+� d+e'�Z.G d,d-� d-e'�Z/G d.d/� d/e$�Z0G d0d1� d1e$�Z1G d2d3� d3e$�Z2G d4d5� d5e$�Z3G d6d7� d7e$�Z4G d8d9� d9e'�Z5G d:d;� d;e'�Z6G d<d=� d=e'�Z7G d>d?� d?e'�Z8G d@dA� dAe%�Z9G dBdC� dCe%e'�Z:G dDdE� dEe:e'�Z;G dFdG� dGe'�Z<G dHdI� dIe'�Z=G dJdK� dKe=�Z>G dLdM� dMe=�Z?G dNdO� dOe=�Z@G dPdQ� dQe=�ZAG dRdS� dSe=�ZBG dTdU� dUe'�ZCG dVdW� dWe&�ZDdS )Xz�Exceptions used throughout package. This module MUST NOT try to import from anything within `pip._internal` to operate. This is expected to be importable from any/all files within the subpackage and, thus, should not depend on them. � N)�chain�groupby�repeat)� TYPE_CHECKING�Dict�List�Optional�Union)�Request�Response)�Console�ConsoleOptions�RenderResult)�escape)�Text)�_Hash)�Literal)�BaseDistribution)�InstallRequirement�s�returnc C s t �d| �d uS )Nz^[a-z]+(-[a-z]+)*$)�re�match)r � r �:/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip/_internal/exceptions.py�_is_kebab_case � r �console�prefix�indentc C sJ t | t�r| }n|�| �}|j|dd�|jd|� �dd��|jdd�� S )N�ignore)�overflow� T)�allow_blank)� isinstancer � render_str�join�split)r r r r �textr r r �_prefix_with_indent! s ��r) c @ � e Zd ZdZdS )�PipErrorzThe base pip error.N��__name__� __module__�__qualname__�__doc__r r r r r+ 2 � r+ c s� e Zd ZU dZeed<