0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: deprecation.cpython-310.pyc
o ���a� � @ s@ d Z ddlZz ddlmZmZ W n ey Y nw dd� ZdS )z& Utility module to deprecate features � N)�Any�Callablec s@ z� j }W n ty � jj }Y nw d| �� �fdd�}|S )z� Return a function that warns it is deprecated by another function. Returns a new function that warns it is deprecated by function ``func``, then acts as a pass-through wrapper for ``func``. zUse %s insteadc s t j�tdd� � | i |��S )N� )� stacklevel)�warnings�warn�DeprecationWarning)�args�kwargs��func�warn_msg� �4/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/debian/deprecation.py�deprecated_func0 s z/function_deprecated_by.<locals>.deprecated_func)�__name__�AttributeError�__func__)r � func_namer r r r �function_deprecated_by# s �r )�__doc__r �typingr r �ImportErrorr r r r r �<module> s �