0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: default.cpython-310.pyc
o �be � @ s* d Z dgZddlmZ dd� Zee�ZdS )z� The most suitable default reactor for the current platform. Depending on a specific application's needs, some other reactor may in fact be better. �install� )�platformc C s� z<| � � r!z ddlm} W W |S ty ddlm} Y W |S w | �� dkr4| �� s4ddlm} W |S ddlm} W |S tyL ddlm} Y |S w )a' Return a function to install the reactor most suited for the given platform. @param platform: The platform for which to select a reactor. @type platform: L{twisted.python.runtime.Platform} @return: A zero-argument callable which will install the selected reactor. r )r �posix)�isLinux�twisted.internet.epollreactorr �ImportError�twisted.internet.pollreactor�getType�isMacOSX�twisted.internet.selectreactor)r r � r �:/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/internet/default.py�_getInstallFunction s$ �����r N)�__doc__�__all__�twisted.python.runtimer r r r r r r �<module> s %