0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: debian_support.cpython-310.pyc
o ���ak � @ s� d Z ddlZddlZddlZz&ddlmZmZmZmZm Z m Z mZmZm Z mZmZmZmZmZmZmZ W n ey= Y nw ddlmZ zddlZe�� dZW n ey[ dZY nw z ddlZejZW n eyr dd� ZY nw z ddlZejZ W n ey� d d � Z Y nw G dd� de!�Z"G d d� de#�Z$G dd� de$�Z%G dd� de$�Z&er�G dd� de%�Z'nG dd� de&�Z'dd� Z(G dd� d�Z)G dd� d�Z*G dd� de*�Z+dd� Z,ee,�Z-e,� Z.d6d d!�Z/ee/�Z0[-[,d"d#� Z1d$d%� Z2ee2�Z3d&Z4e�5e4�Z6e�5e4�7d'��Z8 d6d(d)�Z9ee9�Z:d*d+� Z;ee;�Z<d7d,d-�Z=ee=�Z>d.d/� Z?ee?�Z@d0d1� ZAeeA�ZBd8d2d3�ZCeeC�ZDd4d5� ZEeeE�ZFdS )9z2 Facilities to deal with Debian-specific metadata � N)�Any�AnyStr�BinaryIO�Dict�Iterable�Iterator� Generator�List�Match�NoReturn�Optional�Pattern�Text�TextIO�Tuple�Union)�function_deprecated_byTFc G � t d���Nz�Built-in sha1 implementation not found; cannot use hashlib implementation because it depends on OpenSSL, which may not be linked with this library due to license incompatibilities��NotImplementedError��args� r �7/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/debian/debian_support.py�new_sha1? � �r c G r r r r r r r � new_sha256N r r c s@ e Zd ZdZ� fdd�Zdd� Zdd� Zdd � Zee�Z � Z S ) � ParseErrorz�An exception which is used to signal a parse failure. Attributes: filename - name of the file lineno - line number in the file msg - error message c s4 t |t�sJ �|| _|| _|| _tt| ��| � d S �N)� isinstance�int�filename�lineno�msg�superr �__init__)�selfr"