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Edit File: deb822.cpython-310.pyc
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This module has few external dependencies, but can use python-apt if available to parse the data, which gives a very significant performance boost when iterating over big Packages files. Whitespace separated data within fields are known as "multifields". The "Files" field in Sources files, for instance, has three subfields, while "Files" in .changes files, has five; the relevant classes here know this and correctly handle these cases. Key lookup in Deb822 objects and their multifields is case-insensitive, but the original case is always preserved, for example when printing the object. The Debian project and individual developers make extensive use of GPG signatures including in-line signatures. GPG signatures are automatically detected, verified and the payload then offered to the parser. Relevant documentation on the Deb822 file formats available here. - `deb-control(5) <https://manpages.debian.org/stretch/dpkg-dev/deb-control.5.html>`_, the `control` file in the binary package (generated from `debian/control` in the source package) - `deb-changes(5) <https://manpages.debian.org/stretch/dpkg-dev/deb-changes.5.html>`_, `changes` files that developers upload to add new packages to the archive. - `dsc(5) <https://manpages.debian.org/stretch/dpkg-dev/dsc.5.html>`_, Debian Source Control file that defines the files that are part of a source package. - `Debian mirror format <http://wiki.debian.org/RepositoryFormat>`_, including documentation for Packages, Sources files etc. Overview of deb822 Classes -------------------------- Classes that deb822 provides: * :class:`Deb822` base class with no multifields. A Deb822 object holds a single entry from a Deb822-style file, where paragraphs are separated by blank lines and there may be many paragraphs within a file. The :func:`~Deb822.iter_paragraphs` function yields paragraphs from a data source. * :class:`Packages` represents a Packages file from a Debian mirror. It extends the Deb822 class by interpreting fields that are package relationships (Depends, Recommends etc). Iteration is forced through python-apt for performance and conformance. * :class:`Dsc` represents .dsc files (Debian Source Control) that are the metadata file of the source package. Multivalued fields: * Files: md5sum, size, name * Checksums-Sha1: sha1, size, name * Checksums-Sha256: sha256, size, name * Checksums-Sha512: sha512, size, name * :class:`Sources` represents a Sources file from a Debian mirror. It extends the Dsc class by interpreting fields that are package relationships (Build-Depends, Build-Conflicts etc). Iteration is forced through python-apt for performance and conformance. * :class:`Release` represents a Release file from a Debian mirror. Multivalued fields: * MD5Sum: md5sum, size, name * SHA1: sha1, size, name * SHA256: sha256, size, name * SHA512: sha512, size, name * :class:`Changes` represents a .changes file that is uploaded to "change the archive" by including new source or binary packages. Multivalued fields: * Files: md5sum, size, section, priority, name * Checksums-Sha1: sha1, size, name * Checksums-Sha256: sha256, size, name * Checksums-Sha512: sha512, size, name * :class:`PdiffIndex` represents a pdiff Index file (`foo`.diff/Index) file from a Debian mirror. Multivalued fields: * SHA1-Current: SHA1, size * SHA1-History: SHA1, size, date * SHA1-Patches: SHA1, size, date * SHA1-Download: SHA1, size, filename * X-Unmerged-SHA1-History: SHA1, size, date * X-Unmerged-SHA1-Patches: SHA1, size, date * X-Unmerged-SHA1-Download: SHA1, size, filename * SHA256-Current: SHA256, size * SHA256-History: SHA256, size, date * SHA256-Patches: SHA256, size, date * SHA256-Download: SHA256, size, filename * X-Unmerged-SHA256-History: SHA256, size, date * X-Unmerged-SHA256-Patches: SHA256, size, date * X-Unmerged-SHA256-Download: SHA256, size, filename * :class:`Removals` represents the ftp-master removals file listing when and why source and binary packages are removed from the archive. Input ===== Deb822 objects are normally initialized from a file object (from which at most one paragraph is read) or a string. Alternatively, any sequence that returns one line of input at a time may be used, e.g a list of strings. PGP signatures, if present, will be stripped. Example:: >>> from debian.deb822 import Deb822 >>> filename = '/var/lib/apt/lists/deb.debian.org_debian_dists_sid_InRelease' >>> with open(filename) as fh: # doctest: +SKIP ... rel = Deb822(fh) >>> print('Origin: {Origin}\nCodename: {Codename}\nDate: {Date}'.format_map( # doctest: +SKIP ... rel)) Origin: Debian Codename: sid Date: Sat, 07 Apr 2018 14:41:12 UTC >>> print(list(rel.keys())) # doctest: +SKIP ['Origin', 'Label', 'Suite', 'Codename', 'Changelogs', 'Date', 'Valid-Until', 'Acquire-By-Hash', 'Architectures', 'Components', 'Description', 'MD5Sum', 'SHA256'] In the above, the `MD5Sum` and `SHA256` fields are just a very long string. If instead the :class:`Release` class is used, these fields are interpreted and can be addressed:: >>> from debian.deb822 import Release >>> filename = '/var/lib/apt/lists/deb.debian.org_debian_dists_sid_InRelease' >>> with open(filename) as fh: # doctest: +SKIP ... rel = Release(fh) >>> wanted = 'main/binary-amd64/Packages' >>> [(l['sha256'], l['size']) for l in rel['SHA256'] if l['name'] == wanted] # doctest: +SKIP [('c0f7aa0b92ebd6971c0b64f93f52a8b2e15b0b818413ca13438c50eb82586665', '45314424')] Iteration ========= All classes use the :func:`~Deb822.iter_paragraphs` class method to easily iterate through each paragraph in a file that contains multiple entries (e.g. a Packages.gz file). For example:: >>> with open('/mirror/debian/dists/sid/main/binary-i386/Sources') as f: # doctest: +SKIP ... for src in Sources.iter_paragraphs(f): ... print(src['Package'], src['Version']) The `iter_paragraphs` methods can use python-apt if available to parse the data, since it significantly boosts performance. If python-apt is not present and the file is a compressed file, it must first be decompressed manually. Note that python-apt should not be used on `debian/control` files since python-apt is designed to be strict and fast while the syntax of `debian/control` is a superset of what python-apt is designed to parse. This function is overridden to force use of the python-apt parser using `use_apt_pkg` in the :func:`~Packages.iter_paragraphs` and :func:`~Sources.iter_paragraphs` functions. Sample usage ============ Manipulating a .dsc file:: from debian import deb822 with open('foo_1.1.dsc') as f: d = deb822.Dsc(f) source = d['Source'] version = d['Version'] for f in d['Files']: print('Name:', f['name']) print('Size:', f['size']) print('MD5sum:', f['md5sum']) # If we like, we can change fields d['Standards-Version'] = '3.7.2' # And then dump the new contents with open('foo_1.1.dsc2', 'w') as new_dsc: d.dump(new_dsc) (TODO: Improve, expand) Deb822 Classes -------------- � N)�Any�Callable�cast�Dict� FrozenSet� Generator�Iterator�Iterable�IO�List�Mapping�MutableMapping�Optional�overload�Protocol�Set�Text�Tuple�Type�TypeVar�Union� TYPE_CHECKING�T_Deb822Dict� Deb822Dict��bound)�Literal� TypedDictFc C � d S �N� ��fr r �//usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/debian/deb822.py�<lambda>) � r$ c C s |S r r )�t�vr r r# r$ * r% )� OrderedSet�_CaseInsensitiveString�_strI�default_field_sort_key)�function_deprecated_byTc C s* z| � � W dS ttjfy Y dS w )zp test that a file-like object is really a filehandle Only filehandles can be given to apt_pkg.TagFile. TF)�fileno�AttributeError�io�UnsupportedOperationr! r r r# �_has_filenoH s �r1 z&/usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpgz /usr/bin/gpgvc @ � e Zd ZdZdS )�Errorz0Base class for custom exceptions in this module.N��__name__� __module__�__qualname__�__doc__r r r r# r3 Y � r3 c @ r2 )�RestrictedFieldErrorz>Raised when modifying the raw value of a field is not allowed.Nr4 r r r r# r: ] r9 r: c s<