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Edit File: cred_file.cpython-310.pyc
o �b � @ sx d Z ddlZddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlm Z m Z ddlmZ dZ d Zeeej�G d d� d��Ze� ZdS )z; Cred plugin for a file of the format 'username:password'. � N)�implementer)�plugin)�FilePasswordDB)�IUsernameHashedPassword�IUsernamePassword)�ICheckerFactoryz� This checker expects to receive the location of a file that conforms to the FilePasswordDB format. Each line in the file should be of the format 'username:password', in plain text. zWarning: not a valid filec @ s2 e Zd ZdZdZeZdZee fZ ejZ dd� ZdS )�FileCheckerFactoryz7 A factory for instances of L{FilePasswordDB}. �filez,Location of a FilePasswordDB-formatted file.c C sN ddl m} |�� std| j ��||��� s#| j�t� d|� d�� t |�S )z� This checker factory expects to get the location of a file. The file should conform to the format required by L{FilePasswordDB} (using defaults for all initialization parameters). r )�FilePathz%r requires a filenamez: � ) �twisted.python.filepathr �strip� ValueError�authType�isfile�errorOutput�write�invalidFileWarningr )�self� argstringr � r �;/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/plugins/cred_file.py�generateChecker+ s z"FileCheckerFactory.generateCheckerN)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__�__doc__r �fileCheckerFactoryHelp�authHelp�argStringFormatr r �credentialInterfaces�sys�stderrr r r r r r r s r )r r! �zope.interfacer �twistedr �twisted.cred.checkersr �twisted.cred.credentialsr r �twisted.cred.strcredr r r �IPluginr �theFileCheckerFactoryr r r r �<module> s