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Edit File: core.cpython-310.pyc
o V��\+� � @ s� d Z ddlZddlmZ ddlmZmZ ddlmZ g d�Z da ei �Zdd� Zd d � Z i dd�d d�dd�dd�dd�dd�dd�dd�dd�dd�dd �d!d"�d#d$�d%d&�d'd(�d)d*�d+d,�i d-d.�d/d0�d1d2�d3d4�d5d6�d7d8�d9d:�d;d<�d=d>�d?d@�dAdB�dCdD�dEdF�dGdH�dIdJ�dKdL�dMdN��dOdPdQdRdSdT��ZG dUdV� dVe�ZG dWdX� dXe�ZdefdYdZ�Zd[efd\d]�Zdbd^d_�Zdbd`da�ZdS )cz� babel.core ~~~~~~~~~~ Core locale representation and locale data access. :copyright: (c) 2013-2019 by the Babel Team. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. � N)� localedata)�pickle�string_types)� PluralRule)�UnknownLocaleError�Locale�default_locale�negotiate_locale�parse_localec C s t d��)Nz�The babel data files are not available. This usually happens because you are using a source checkout from Babel and you did not build the data files. Just make sure to run "python setup.py import_cldr" before installing the library.)�RuntimeError� r r �,/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/babel/core.py�_raise_no_data_error s r c C s| t du r8tj�tj�t��}tj�|d�}tj�|�st� t|d�� }t � |�a W d � n1 s3w Y t �| i �S )a_ Return the dictionary for the given key in the global data. The global data is stored in the ``babel/global.dat`` file and contains information independent of individual locales. >>> get_global('zone_aliases')['UTC'] u'Etc/UTC' >>> get_global('zone_territories')['Europe/Berlin'] u'DE' The keys available are: - ``all_currencies`` - ``currency_fractions`` - ``language_aliases`` - ``likely_subtags`` - ``parent_exceptions`` - ``script_aliases`` - ``territory_aliases`` - ``territory_currencies`` - ``territory_languages`` - ``territory_zones`` - ``variant_aliases`` - ``windows_zone_mapping`` - ``zone_aliases`` - ``zone_territories`` .. note:: The internal structure of the data may change between versions. .. versionadded:: 0.9 :param key: the data key Nz global.dat�rb)�_global_data�os�path�join�dirname�__file__�isfiler �openr �load�get)�keyr �filename�fileobjr r r � get_global# s #�r �ar�ar_SY�bg�bg_BG�bs�bs_BA�ca�ca_ES�cs�cs_CZ�da�da_DK�de�de_DE�el�el_GR�en�en_US�es�es_ES�et�et_EE�fa�fa_IR�fi�fi_FI�fr�fr_FR�gl�gl_ES�he�he_IL�hu�hu_HU�id�id_ID�is�is_IS�it�it_IT�ja�ja_JP�km�km_KH�ko�ko_KR�lt�lt_LT�lv�lv_LV�mk�mk_MK�nl�nl_NL�nn�nn_NO�no�nb_NO�pl�pl_PL�pt�pt_PT�ro�ro_RO�ru�ru_RU�sk�sk_SK�sl_SI�sv_SE�th_TH�tr_TR�uk_UA)�sl�sv�th�tr�ukc @ s e Zd ZdZdd� ZdS )r z[Exception thrown when a locale is requested for which no locale data is available. c C s t �| d| � || _dS )zjCreate the exception. :param identifier: the identifier string of the unsupported locale zunknown locale %rN)� Exception�__init__� identifier)�selfrn r r r rm a s zUnknownLocaleError.__init__N)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__�__doc__rm r r r r r \ s r c @ s� e Zd ZdZdrdd�Zedefdd��Zedefdd ��Zedsdd��Z d d� Z dd� Zdd� Zdd� Z dd� Zedd� �Zdtdd�Zeedd�Zdtdd�Zeedd�Zdtd d!�Zeed"d�Zdtd#d$�Zeed%d�Zed&d'� �Zed(d)� �Zed*d+� �Zed,d-� �Zed.d/� �Zed0d1� �Zed2d3� �Zed4d5� �Z ed6d7� �Z!ed8d9� �Z"ed:d;� �Z#ed<d=� �Z$ed>d?� �Z%ed@dA� �Z&edBdC� �Z'edDdE� �Z(edFdG� �Z)edHdI� �Z*edJdK� �Z+edLdM� �Z,edNdO� �Z-edPdQ� �Z.edRdS� �Z/edTdU� �Z0edVdW� �Z1edXdY� �Z2edZd[� �Z3ed\d]� �Z4ed^d_� �Z5ed`da� �Z6edbdc� �Z7eddde� �Z8edfdg� �Z9edhdi� �Z:edjdk� �Z;edldm� �Z<edndo� �Z=edpdq� �Z>dS )ur aY Representation of a specific locale. >>> locale = Locale('en', 'US') >>> repr(locale) "Locale('en', territory='US')" >>> locale.display_name u'English (United States)' A `Locale` object can also be instantiated from a raw locale string: >>> locale = Locale.parse('en-US', sep='-') >>> repr(locale) "Locale('en', territory='US')" `Locale` objects provide access to a collection of locale data, such as territory and language names, number and date format patterns, and more: >>> locale.number_symbols['decimal'] u'.' If a locale is requested for which no locale data is available, an `UnknownLocaleError` is raised: >>> Locale.parse('en_XX') Traceback (most recent call last): ... UnknownLocaleError: unknown locale 'en_XX' For more information see :rfc:`3066`. Nc C s<