0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: common.cpython-310.pyc
o �b�$ � @ sP d Z ddlZddlmZ ddlmZmZmZ ddlm Z ddl mZ ddlm Z mZmZmZmZmZ ed�\ZZZd Zeej�G d d� d��Zd&d d�Zi ejd�ejd�ejd�ejd�ejd�ej d�ej!d�ej"d�ej#d�ej$d�ej%d�ej&d�ej'd�ej(d�ej)d�ej*d�ej+d�ej,d ej-d!ej.d"ej/d#ej0d$ej1d%i�Z2dS )'z> Base functionality useful to various parts of Twisted Names. � N)�implementer)�defer�error� interfaces)�Logger)�dns)�DNSFormatError�DNSNameError�DNSNotImplementedError�DNSQueryRefusedError�DNSServerError�DNSUnknownError� )� r r c @ sV e Zd ZdZe� Zejeej e ejeej eejeiZdZdd� Zdd� Zd>dd�Zd d � Zd>dd�Zd>d d�Zd>dd�Zd>dd�Zd>dd�Zd>dd�Zd>dd�Zd>dd�Zd>dd�Zd>dd�Z d>dd �Z!d>d!d"�Z"d>d#d$�Z#d>d%d&�Z$d>d'd(�Z%d>d)d*�Z&d>d+d,�Z'd>d-d.�Z(d>d/d0�Z)d>d1d2�Z*d>d3d4�Z+d>d5d6�Z,d>d7d8�Z-d?d:d;�Z.d<d=� Z/dS )@�ResolverBaseaN L{ResolverBase} is a base class for implementations of L{interfaces.IResolver} which deals with a lot of the boilerplate of implementing all of the lookup methods. @cvar _errormap: A C{dict} mapping DNS protocol failure response codes to exception classes which will be used to represent those failures. Nc C s, i | _ t �� D ]\}}t| |�| j |<