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Edit File: checkers.cpython-310.pyc
o V��\� � @ sd d Z ddlmZmZ ddlmZmZ h d�ddhh d�gZdd � Zd d� Z dd � Z dd� Ze� ZdS )z� babel.messages.checkers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Various routines that help with validation of translations. :since: version 0.9 :copyright: (c) 2013-2019 by the Babel Team. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. � )�TranslationError� PYTHON_FORMAT)�string_types�izip> �d�i�u�x�X> �F�G�f�gc C sd |j st|jt�s td��dS | du rdS |j}t|ttf�s"|f}t|�| jkr0td| j ��dS )z0Verify the number of plurals in the translation.z/Found plural forms for non-pluralizable messageNz*Wrong number of plural forms (expected %d)) �pluralizable� isinstance�stringr r �list�tuple�len�num_plurals)�catalog�message�msgstrs� r �9/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/babel/messages/checkers.pyr s ��r c C sh d|j vrdS |j}t|ttf�s|f}|j}t|ttf�s!|f}t||�D ]\}}|r1t||� q&dS )z9Verify the format string placeholders in the translation.z python-formatN)�flags�idr r r r r �_validate_format)r r �msgidsr �msgid�msgstrr r r � python_format. s ��r! c C s dd� }dd� }dd� }t || |f�\}}t |||f�\}}|r(|s(|s(td��||kr0td��|rbt|�t|�kr>td ��tt||��D ]\} \\} }\} }|||�s_td | d ||f ��qEdS t|�} |D ] \}}|| vrvtd| ��||| | �s�td ||| | f ��qhdS )a� Test format string `alternative` against `format`. `format` can be the msgid of a message and `alternative` one of the `msgstr`\s. The two arguments are not interchangeable as `alternative` may contain less placeholders if `format` uses named placeholders. The behavior of this function is undefined if the string does not use string formattings. If the string formatting of `alternative` is compatible to `format` the function returns `None`, otherwise a `TranslationError` is raised. Examples for compatible format strings: >>> _validate_format('Hello %s!', 'Hallo %s!') >>> _validate_format('Hello %i!', 'Hallo %d!') Example for an incompatible format strings: >>> _validate_format('Hello %(name)s!', 'Hallo %s!') Traceback (most recent call last): ... TranslationError: the format strings are of different kinds This function is used by the `python_format` checker. :param format: The original format string :param alternative: The alternative format string that should be checked against format :raises TranslationError: on formatting errors c S sJ g }t �| �D ]}|�� \}}}|dkr|d u rq|�|t|�f� q|S )N�%)r �finditer�groups�append�str)r �result�match�name�format�typecharr r r �_parse^ s z _validate_format.<locals>._parsec S s0 | |krdS t D ] }| |v r||v r dS qdS )NTF)�_string_format_compatibilities)�a�b�setr r r �_compatibleg s �z%_validate_format.<locals>._compatiblec S s@ d }| D ]\}}|d u r|d u }q|d u |krt d��qt|�S )Nz5format string mixes positional and named placeholders)r �bool)�results� positionalr) �charr r r �_check_positionalo s �z+_validate_format.<locals>._check_positionalzplaceholders are incompatiblez)the format strings are of different kindsz-positional format placeholders are unbalancedzDincompatible format for placeholder %d: %r and %r are not compatible� zunknown named placeholder %rzDincompatible format for placeholder %r: %r and %r are not compatibleN)�mapr r � enumerater �dict)r* �alternativer, r1 r6 r. r/ �a_positional�b_positional�idx�_�first�second�type_mapr) r+ r r r r >