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Edit File: cdrom.cpython-310.pyc
o 4��fu � @ sN d Z ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlZddlZddlmZ G dd� dej �Z dS )z"Classes related to cdrom handling.� )�print_function)�OptionalN)� CdromProgressc @ s: e Zd ZdZddd�Zd dd�Zd dd �Zed d� �ZdS )�Cdroma; Support for apt-cdrom like features. This class has several optional parameters for initialisation, which may be used to influence the behaviour of the object: The optional parameter `progress` is a CdromProgress() subclass, which will ask for the correct cdrom, etc. If not specified or None, a CdromProgress() object will be used. The optional parameter `mountpoint` may be used to specify an alternative mountpoint. If the optional parameter `nomount` is True, the cdroms will not be mounted. This is the default behaviour. NTc C sb t j�| � |d u rt� | _n|| _|d urt j�d|� |r(t j�dd� d S t j�dd� d S )NzAcquire::cdrom::mountzAPT::CDROM::NoMount�true�false)�apt_pkgr �__init__r � _progress�config�set)�self�progress� mountpoint�nomount� r �+/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/apt/cdrom.pyr 1 s zCdrom.__init__c C � t j�| |p| j�S )zAdd cdrom to the sources.list.)r r �addr �r r r r r r A � z Cdrom.addc C r )zIdentify the cdrom.)r r �identr r r r r r F r zCdrom.identc C s� | � � }|du r dS t�tj�d�d �}|�tj�d�� |D ]0}t|��"}|D ]}|�� � d�s@||v r@ W d � dS q)W d � n1 sKw Y q dS )z:Check if the cdrom is already in the current sources.list.NFzDir::Etc::sourceparts�*zDir::Etc::sourcelist�#T) r �globr r �find_dir�append� find_file�open�lstrip� startswith)r �cd_id�src�fname�fobj�liner r r �in_sources_listK s ����zCdrom.in_sources_list)NNT)N) �__name__� __module__�__qualname__�__doc__r r r �propertyr&