0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: bd16598c847e12eb2596aeba73ce28d9.php
<?php use Twig\Environment; use Twig\Error\LoaderError; use Twig\Error\RuntimeError; use Twig\Extension\SandboxExtension; use Twig\Markup; use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityError; use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityNotAllowedTagError; use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityNotAllowedFilterError; use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityNotAllowedFunctionError; use Twig\Source; use Twig\Template; /* acp_forums.html */ class __TwigTemplate_e4793c30d5e0b738a8d608cdbf612045 extends \Twig\Template { private $source; private $macros = []; public function __construct(Environment $env) { parent::__construct($env); $this->source = $this->getSourceContext(); $this->parent = false; $this->blocks = [ ]; } protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = []) { $macros = $this->macros; // line 1 $location = "overall_header.html"; $namespace = false; if (strpos($location, '@') === 0) { $namespace = substr($location, 1, strpos($location, '/') - 1); $previous_look_up_order = $this->env->getNamespaceLookUpOrder(); $this->env->setNamespaceLookUpOrder(array($namespace, '__main__')); } $this->loadTemplate("overall_header.html", "acp_forums.html", 1)->display($context); if ($namespace) { $this->env->setNamespaceLookUpOrder($previous_look_up_order); } // line 2 echo " <a id=\"maincontent\"></a> "; // line 5 if (($context["S_EDIT_FORUM"] ?? null)) { // line 6 echo " \t<script> \t// <![CDATA[ \t\t/** \t\t* Handle displaying/hiding several options based on the forum type \t\t*/ \t\tfunction display_options(value) \t\t{ \t\t\t"; // line 14 if (( !($context["S_ADD_ACTION"] ?? null) && ($context["S_FORUM_ORIG_POST"] ?? null))) { // line 15 echo "\t\t\t\tif (value == "; echo ($context["FORUM_POST"] ?? null); echo ") \t\t\t\t{ \t\t\t\t\tphpbb.toggleDisplay('type_actions', -1); \t\t\t\t} \t\t\t\telse \t\t\t\t{ \t\t\t\t\tphpbb.toggleDisplay('type_actions', 1); \t\t\t\t} \t\t\t"; } // line 24 echo " \t\t\t"; // line 25 if ((( !($context["S_ADD_ACTION"] ?? null) && ($context["S_FORUM_ORIG_CAT"] ?? null)) && ($context["S_HAS_SUBFORUMS"] ?? null))) { // line 26 echo "\t\t\t\tif (value == "; echo ($context["FORUM_LINK"] ?? null); echo ") \t\t\t\t{ \t\t\t\t\tphpbb.toggleDisplay('cat_to_link_actions', 1); \t\t\t\t} \t\t\t\telse \t\t\t\t{ \t\t\t\t\tphpbb.toggleDisplay('cat_to_link_actions', -1); \t\t\t\t} \t\t\t"; } // line 35 echo " \t\t\tif (value == "; // line 36 echo ($context["FORUM_POST"] ?? null); echo ") \t\t\t{ \t\t\t\tphpbb.toggleDisplay('forum_post_options', 1); \t\t\t\tphpbb.toggleDisplay('forum_link_options', -1); \t\t\t\tphpbb.toggleDisplay('forum_rules_options', 1); \t\t\t\tphpbb.toggleDisplay('forum_cat_options', -1); \t\t\t} \t\t\telse if (value == "; // line 43 echo ($context["FORUM_LINK"] ?? null); echo ") \t\t\t{ \t\t\t\tphpbb.toggleDisplay('forum_post_options', -1); \t\t\t\tphpbb.toggleDisplay('forum_link_options', 1); \t\t\t\tphpbb.toggleDisplay('forum_rules_options', -1); \t\t\t\tphpbb.toggleDisplay('forum_cat_options', -1); \t\t\t} \t\t\telse if (value == "; // line 50 echo ($context["FORUM_CAT"] ?? null); echo ") \t\t\t{ \t\t\t\tphpbb.toggleDisplay('forum_post_options', -1); \t\t\t\tphpbb.toggleDisplay('forum_link_options', -1); \t\t\t\tphpbb.toggleDisplay('forum_rules_options', 1); \t\t\t\tphpbb.toggleDisplay('forum_cat_options', 1); \t\t\t} \t\t} \t\t/** \t\t* Init the wanted display functionality if javascript is enabled. \t\t* If javascript is not available, the user is still able to properly administer. \t\t*/ \t\tonload = function() \t\t{ \t\t\t"; // line 65 if (( !($context["S_ADD_ACTION"] ?? null) && ($context["S_FORUM_ORIG_POST"] ?? null))) { // line 66 echo "\t\t\t\t"; if (($context["S_FORUM_POST"] ?? null)) { // line 67 echo "\t\t\t\t\tphpbb.toggleDisplay('type_actions', -1); \t\t\t\t"; } // line 69 echo "\t\t\t"; } // line 70 echo " \t\t\t"; // line 71 if ((( !($context["S_ADD_ACTION"] ?? null) && ($context["S_FORUM_ORIG_CAT"] ?? null)) && ($context["S_HAS_SUBFORUMS"] ?? null))) { // line 72 echo "\t\t\t\t"; if (($context["S_FORUM_CAT"] ?? null)) { // line 73 echo "\t\t\t\t\tphpbb.toggleDisplay('cat_to_link_actions', -1); \t\t\t\t"; } // line 75 echo "\t\t\t"; } // line 76 echo " \t\t\t"; // line 77 if ( !($context["S_FORUM_POST"] ?? null)) { // line 78 echo "\t\t\t\tphpbb.toggleDisplay('forum_post_options', -1); \t\t\t"; } // line 80 echo " \t\t\t"; // line 81 if ( !($context["S_FORUM_CAT"] ?? null)) { // line 82 echo "\t\t\t\tphpbb.toggleDisplay('forum_cat_options', -1); \t\t\t"; } // line 84 echo " \t\t\t"; // line 85 if ( !($context["S_FORUM_LINK"] ?? null)) { // line 86 echo "\t\t\t\tphpbb.toggleDisplay('forum_link_options', -1); \t\t\t"; } // line 88 echo " \t\t\t"; // line 89 if (($context["S_FORUM_LINK"] ?? null)) { // line 90 echo "\t\t\tphpbb.toggleDisplay('forum_rules_options', -1); \t\t\t"; } // line 92 echo "\t\t} \t// ]]> \t</script> \t<a href=\""; // line 97 echo ($context["U_BACK"] ?? null); echo "\" style=\"float: "; echo ($context["S_CONTENT_FLOW_END"] ?? null); echo ";\">« "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("BACK"); echo "</a> \t<h1>"; // line 99 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("TITLE"); echo " "; if (($context["FORUM_NAME"] ?? null)) { echo ":: "; echo ($context["FORUM_NAME"] ?? null); } echo "</h1> \t<p>"; // line 101 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_EDIT_EXPLAIN"); echo "</p> \t"; // line 103 if (($context["S_ERROR"] ?? null)) { // line 104 echo "\t\t<div class=\"errorbox\"> \t\t\t<h3>"; // line 105 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("WARNING"); echo "</h3> \t\t\t<p>"; // line 106 echo ($context["ERROR_MSG"] ?? null); echo "</p> \t\t</div> \t"; } // line 109 echo " \t<form id=\"forumedit\" method=\"post\" action=\""; // line 110 echo ($context["U_EDIT_ACTION"] ?? null); echo "\"> \t<fieldset> \t\t<legend>"; // line 113 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_SETTINGS"); echo "</legend> \t"; // line 114 // line 115 echo "\t<dl> \t\t<dt><label for=\"forum_type\">"; // line 116 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_TYPE"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label></dt> \t\t<dd><select id=\"forum_type\" name=\"forum_type\" onchange=\"display_options(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);\">"; // line 117 echo ($context["S_FORUM_TYPE_OPTIONS"] ?? null); echo "</select></dd> \t</dl> \t"; // line 119 if (( !($context["S_ADD_ACTION"] ?? null) && ($context["S_FORUM_ORIG_POST"] ?? null))) { // line 120 echo "\t<div id=\"type_actions\"> \t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label for=\"type_action\">"; // line 122 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("DECIDE_MOVE_DELETE_CONTENT"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label></dt> \t\t\t<dd><label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"type_action\" value=\"delete\""; // line 123 if ( !($context["S_MOVE_FORUM_OPTIONS"] ?? null)) { echo " checked=\"checked\" id=\"type_action\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("DELETE_ALL_POSTS"); echo "</label></dd> \t\t\t"; // line 124 if (($context["S_MOVE_FORUM_OPTIONS"] ?? null)) { echo "<dd><label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"type_action\" id=\"type_action\" value=\"move\" checked=\"checked\" /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("MOVE_POSTS_TO"); echo "</label> <select name=\"to_forum_id\">"; echo ($context["S_MOVE_FORUM_OPTIONS"] ?? null); echo "</select></dd>"; } // line 125 echo "\t\t</dl> \t</div> \t"; } // line 128 echo "\t"; if ((( !($context["S_ADD_ACTION"] ?? null) && ($context["S_FORUM_ORIG_CAT"] ?? null)) && ($context["S_HAS_SUBFORUMS"] ?? null))) { // line 129 echo "\t<div id=\"cat_to_link_actions\"> \t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label for=\"action_subforums\">"; // line 131 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("DECIDE_MOVE_DELETE_SUBFORUMS"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label></dt> \t\t\t"; // line 132 if (($context["S_FORUMS_LIST"] ?? null)) { // line 133 echo "\t\t\t\t<dd><label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" id=\"action_subforums\" name=\"action_subforums\" value=\"move\" checked=\"checked\" /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("MOVE_SUBFORUMS_TO"); echo "</label> <select name=\"subforums_to_id\">"; echo ($context["S_FORUMS_LIST"] ?? null); echo "</select></dd> \t\t\t"; } else { // line 135 echo "\t\t\t\t<dd><label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" id=\"action_subforums\" name=\"action_subforums\" value=\"delete\" checked=\"checked\" /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("DELETE_SUBFORUMS"); echo "</label></dd> \t\t\t"; } // line 137 echo "\t\t</dl> \t</div> \t"; } // line 140 echo "\t<dl> \t\t<dt><label for=\"parent\">"; // line 141 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_PARENT"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label></dt> \t\t<dd><select id=\"parent\" name=\"forum_parent_id\"><option value=\"0\""; // line 142 if ( !($context["S_FORUM_PARENT_ID"] ?? null)) { echo " selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("NO_PARENT"); echo "</option>"; echo ($context["S_PARENT_OPTIONS"] ?? null); echo "</select></dd> \t</dl> \t"; // line 144 if (($context["S_CAN_COPY_PERMISSIONS"] ?? null)) { // line 145 echo "\t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label for=\"forum_perm_from\">"; // line 146 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COPY_PERMISSIONS"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label><br /><span>"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COPY_PERMISSIONS_EXPLAIN"); echo "</span></dt> \t\t\t<dd><select id=\"forum_perm_from\" name=\"forum_perm_from\"><option value=\"0\">"; // line 147 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("NO_PERMISSIONS"); echo "</option>"; echo ($context["S_FORUM_OPTIONS"] ?? null); echo "</select></dd> \t\t</dl> \t"; } // line 150 echo "\t<dl> \t\t<dt><label for=\"forum_name\">"; // line 151 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_NAME"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label></dt> \t\t<dd><input class=\"text medium\" type=\"text\" id=\"forum_name\" name=\"forum_name\" value=\""; // line 152 echo ($context["FORUM_NAME"] ?? null); echo "\" maxlength=\"255\" /></dd> \t</dl> \t<dl> \t\t<dt><label for=\"forum_desc\">"; // line 155 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_DESC"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label><br /><span>"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_DESC_EXPLAIN"); echo "</span></dt> \t\t<dd><textarea id=\"forum_desc\" name=\"forum_desc\" rows=\"5\" cols=\"45\" data-bbcode=\"true\">"; // line 156 echo ($context["FORUM_DESC"] ?? null); echo "</textarea></dd> \t\t<dd><label><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"radio\" name=\"desc_parse_bbcode\""; // line 157 if (($context["S_DESC_BBCODE_CHECKED"] ?? null)) { echo " checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("PARSE_BBCODE"); echo "</label> \t\t\t<label><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"radio\" name=\"desc_parse_smilies\""; // line 158 if (($context["S_DESC_SMILIES_CHECKED"] ?? null)) { echo " checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("PARSE_SMILIES"); echo "</label> \t\t\t<label><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"radio\" name=\"desc_parse_urls\""; // line 159 if (($context["S_DESC_URLS_CHECKED"] ?? null)) { echo " checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("PARSE_URLS"); echo "</label></dd> \t</dl> \t<dl> \t\t<dt><label for=\"forum_image\">"; // line 162 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_IMAGE"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label><br /><span>"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_IMAGE_EXPLAIN"); echo "</span></dt> \t\t<dd><input class=\"text medium\" type=\"text\" id=\"forum_image\" name=\"forum_image\" value=\""; // line 163 echo ($context["FORUM_IMAGE"] ?? null); echo "\" maxlength=\"255\" /></dd> \t\t"; // line 164 if (($context["FORUM_IMAGE_SRC"] ?? null)) { // line 165 echo "\t\t\t<dd><img src=\""; echo ($context["FORUM_IMAGE_SRC"] ?? null); echo "\" alt=\""; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_IMAGE"); echo "\" /></dd> \t\t"; } // line 167 echo "\t</dl> \t<dl> \t\t<dt><label for=\"forum_password\">"; // line 169 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_PASSWORD"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label><br /><span>"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_PASSWORD_EXPLAIN"); echo "</span></dt> \t\t<dd><input type=\"password\" id=\"forum_password\" name=\"forum_password\" value=\""; // line 170 if (($context["S_FORUM_PASSWORD_SET"] ?? null)) { echo "      "; } echo "\" autocomplete=\"off\" /></dd> \t</dl> \t<dl> \t\t<dt><label for=\"forum_password_confirm\">"; // line 173 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_PASSWORD_CONFIRM"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label><br /><span>"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_PASSWORD_CONFIRM_EXPLAIN"); echo "</span></dt> \t\t<dd><input type=\"password\" id=\"forum_password_confirm\" name=\"forum_password_confirm\" value=\""; // line 174 if (($context["S_FORUM_PASSWORD_SET"] ?? null)) { echo "      "; } echo "\" autocomplete=\"off\" /></dd> \t</dl> \t"; // line 176 if (($context["S_FORUM_PASSWORD_SET"] ?? null)) { // line 177 echo "\t<dl> \t\t<dt><label for=\"forum_password_unset\">"; // line 178 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_PASSWORD_UNSET"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label><br /><span>"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_PASSWORD_UNSET_EXPLAIN"); echo "</span></dt> \t\t<dd><input id=\"forum_password_unset\" name=\"forum_password_unset\" type=\"checkbox\" /></dd> \t</dl> \t"; } // line 182 echo "\t<dl> \t\t<dt><label for=\"forum_style\">"; // line 183 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_STYLE"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label></dt> \t\t<dd><select id=\"forum_style\" name=\"forum_style\"><option value=\"0\">"; // line 184 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("DEFAULT_STYLE"); echo "</option>"; echo ($context["S_STYLES_OPTIONS"] ?? null); echo "</select></dd> \t</dl> \t"; // line 186 // line 187 echo "\t</fieldset> \t<div id=\"forum_cat_options\"> \t\t<fieldset> \t\t\t<legend>"; // line 191 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("GENERAL_FORUM_SETTINGS"); echo "</legend> \t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label for=\"display_active\">"; // line 193 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("DISPLAY_ACTIVE_TOPICS"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label><br /><span>"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("DISPLAY_ACTIVE_TOPICS_EXPLAIN"); echo "</span></dt> \t\t\t<dd><label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"display_active\" value=\"1\""; // line 194 if (($context["S_ENABLE_ACTIVE_TOPICS"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"display_active\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("YES"); echo "</label> \t\t\t\t<label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"display_active\" value=\"0\""; // line 195 if ( !($context["S_ENABLE_ACTIVE_TOPICS"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"display_active\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("NO"); echo "</label></dd> \t\t</dl> \t\t</fieldset> \t</div> \t<div id=\"forum_post_options\"> \t\t<fieldset> \t\t\t<legend>"; // line 202 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("GENERAL_FORUM_SETTINGS"); echo "</legend> \t\t"; // line 203 // line 204 echo "\t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label for=\"forum_status\">"; // line 205 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_STATUS"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label></dt> \t\t\t<dd><select id=\"forum_status\" name=\"forum_status\">"; // line 206 echo ($context["S_STATUS_OPTIONS"] ?? null); echo "</select></dd> \t\t</dl> \t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label for=\"display_subforum_list\">"; // line 209 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("LIST_SUBFORUMS"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label><br /><span>"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("LIST_SUBFORUMS_EXPLAIN"); echo "</span></dt> \t\t\t<dd><label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"display_subforum_list\" value=\"1\""; // line 210 if (($context["S_DISPLAY_SUBFORUM_LIST"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"display_subforum_list\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("YES"); echo "</label> \t\t\t\t<label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"display_subforum_list\" value=\"0\""; // line 211 if ( !($context["S_DISPLAY_SUBFORUM_LIST"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"display_subforum_list\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("NO"); echo "</label></dd> \t\t</dl> \t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label for=\"display_subforum_limit\">"; // line 214 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("LIMIT_SUBFORUMS"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label><br /><span>"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("LIMIT_SUBFORUMS_EXPLAIN"); echo "</span></dt> \t\t\t<dd><label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"display_subforum_limit\" value=\"1\""; // line 215 if (($context["S_DISPLAY_SUBFORUM_LIMIT"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"display_subforum_limit\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("YES"); echo "</label> \t\t\t\t<label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"display_subforum_limit\" value=\"0\""; // line 216 if ( !($context["S_DISPLAY_SUBFORUM_LIMIT"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"display_subforum_limit\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("NO"); echo "</label></dd> \t\t</dl> \t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label for=\"display_on_index\">"; // line 219 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("LIST_INDEX"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label><br /><span>"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("LIST_INDEX_EXPLAIN"); echo "</span></dt> \t\t\t<dd><label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"display_on_index\" value=\"1\""; // line 220 if (($context["S_DISPLAY_ON_INDEX"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"display_on_index\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("YES"); echo "</label> \t\t\t\t<label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"display_on_index\" value=\"0\""; // line 221 if ( !($context["S_DISPLAY_ON_INDEX"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"display_on_index\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("NO"); echo "</label></dd> \t\t</dl> \t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label for=\"enable_post_review\">"; // line 224 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("ENABLE_POST_REVIEW"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label><br /><span>"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("ENABLE_POST_REVIEW_EXPLAIN"); echo "</span></dt> \t\t\t<dd><label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"enable_post_review\" value=\"1\""; // line 225 if (($context["S_ENABLE_POST_REVIEW"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"enable_post_review\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("YES"); echo "</label> \t\t\t\t<label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"enable_post_review\" value=\"0\""; // line 226 if ( !($context["S_ENABLE_POST_REVIEW"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"enable_post_review\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("NO"); echo "</label></dd> \t\t</dl> \t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label for=\"enable_quick_reply\">"; // line 229 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("ENABLE_QUICK_REPLY"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label><br /><span>"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("ENABLE_QUICK_REPLY_EXPLAIN"); echo "</span></dt> \t\t\t<dd><label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"enable_quick_reply\" value=\"1\""; // line 230 if (($context["S_ENABLE_QUICK_REPLY"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"enable_quick_reply\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("YES"); echo "</label> \t\t\t\t<label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"enable_quick_reply\" value=\"0\""; // line 231 if ( !($context["S_ENABLE_QUICK_REPLY"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"enable_quick_reply\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("NO"); echo "</label></dd> \t\t</dl> \t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label for=\"enable_indexing\">"; // line 234 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("ENABLE_INDEXING"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label><br /><span>"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("ENABLE_INDEXING_EXPLAIN"); echo "</span></dt> \t\t\t<dd><label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"enable_indexing\" value=\"1\""; // line 235 if (($context["S_ENABLE_INDEXING"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"enable_indexing\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("YES"); echo "</label> \t\t\t\t<label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"enable_indexing\" value=\"0\""; // line 236 if ( !($context["S_ENABLE_INDEXING"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"enable_indexing\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("NO"); echo "</label></dd> \t\t</dl> \t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label for=\"enable_icons\">"; // line 239 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("ENABLE_TOPIC_ICONS"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label></dt> \t\t\t<dd><label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"enable_icons\" value=\"1\""; // line 240 if (($context["S_TOPIC_ICONS"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"enable_icons\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("YES"); echo "</label> \t\t\t\t<label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"enable_icons\" value=\"0\""; // line 241 if ( !($context["S_TOPIC_ICONS"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"enable_icons\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("NO"); echo "</label></dd> \t\t</dl> \t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label for=\"display_recent\">"; // line 244 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("ENABLE_RECENT"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label><br /><span>"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("ENABLE_RECENT_EXPLAIN"); echo "</span></dt> \t\t\t<dd><label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"display_recent\" value=\"1\""; // line 245 if (($context["S_DISPLAY_ACTIVE_TOPICS"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"display_recent\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("YES"); echo "</label> \t\t\t\t<label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"display_recent\" value=\"0\""; // line 246 if ( !($context["S_DISPLAY_ACTIVE_TOPICS"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"display_recent\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("NO"); echo "</label></dd> \t\t</dl> \t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label for=\"topics_per_page\">"; // line 249 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_TOPICS_PAGE"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label><br /><span>"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_TOPICS_PAGE_EXPLAIN"); echo "</span></dt> \t\t\t<dd><input type=\"number\" id=\"topics_per_page\" name=\"topics_per_page\" value=\""; // line 250 echo ($context["TOPICS_PER_PAGE"] ?? null); echo "\" min=\"0\" max=\"9999\" /></dd> \t\t</dl> \t\t"; // line 252 // line 253 echo "\t\t</fieldset> \t\t<fieldset> \t\t\t<legend>"; // line 256 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_PRUNE_SETTINGS"); echo "</legend> \t\t"; // line 257 // line 258 echo "\t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label for=\"enable_prune\">"; // line 259 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_AUTO_PRUNE"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label><br /><span>"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_AUTO_PRUNE_EXPLAIN"); echo "</span></dt> \t\t\t<dd><label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"enable_prune\" value=\"1\""; // line 260 if (($context["S_PRUNE_ENABLE"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"enable_prune\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("YES"); echo "</label> \t\t\t\t<label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"enable_prune\" value=\"0\""; // line 261 if ( !($context["S_PRUNE_ENABLE"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"enable_prune\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("NO"); echo "</label></dd> \t\t</dl> \t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label for=\"prune_freq\">"; // line 264 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("AUTO_PRUNE_FREQ"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label><br /><span>"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("AUTO_PRUNE_FREQ_EXPLAIN"); echo "</span></dt> \t\t\t<dd><input type=\"number\" id=\"prune_freq\" name=\"prune_freq\" value=\""; // line 265 echo ($context["PRUNE_FREQ"] ?? null); echo "\" min=\"0\" max=\"9999\" /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("DAYS"); echo "</dd> \t\t</dl> \t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label for=\"prune_days\">"; // line 268 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("AUTO_PRUNE_DAYS"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label><br /><span>"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("AUTO_PRUNE_DAYS_EXPLAIN"); echo "</span></dt> \t\t\t<dd><input type=\"number\" id=\"prune_days\" name=\"prune_days\" value=\""; // line 269 echo ($context["PRUNE_DAYS"] ?? null); echo "\" min=\"0\" max=\"9999\" /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("DAYS"); echo "</dd> \t\t</dl> \t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label for=\"prune_viewed\">"; // line 272 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("AUTO_PRUNE_VIEWED"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label><br /><span>"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("AUTO_PRUNE_VIEWED_EXPLAIN"); echo "</span></dt> \t\t\t<dd><input type=\"number\" id=\"prune_viewed\" name=\"prune_viewed\" value=\""; // line 273 echo ($context["PRUNE_VIEWED"] ?? null); echo "\" min=\"0\" max=\"9999\" /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("DAYS"); echo "</dd> \t\t</dl> \t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label for=\"prune_old_polls\">"; // line 276 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("PRUNE_OLD_POLLS"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label><br /><span>"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("PRUNE_OLD_POLLS_EXPLAIN"); echo "</span></dt> \t\t\t<dd><label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"prune_old_polls\" value=\"1\""; // line 277 if (($context["S_PRUNE_OLD_POLLS"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"prune_old_polls\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("YES"); echo "</label> \t\t\t\t<label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"prune_old_polls\" value=\"0\""; // line 278 if ( !($context["S_PRUNE_OLD_POLLS"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"prune_old_polls\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("NO"); echo "</label></dd> \t\t</dl> \t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label for=\"prune_announce\">"; // line 281 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("PRUNE_ANNOUNCEMENTS"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label></dt> \t\t\t<dd><label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"prune_announce\" value=\"1\""; // line 282 if (($context["S_PRUNE_ANNOUNCE"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"prune_announce\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("YES"); echo "</label> \t\t\t\t<label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"prune_announce\" value=\"0\""; // line 283 if ( !($context["S_PRUNE_ANNOUNCE"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"prune_announce\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("NO"); echo "</label></dd> \t\t</dl> \t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label for=\"prune_sticky\">"; // line 286 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("PRUNE_STICKY"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label></dt> \t\t\t<dd><label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"prune_sticky\" value=\"1\""; // line 287 if (($context["S_PRUNE_STICKY"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"prune_sticky\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("YES"); echo "</label> \t\t\t\t<label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"prune_sticky\" value=\"0\""; // line 288 if ( !($context["S_PRUNE_STICKY"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"prune_sticky\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("NO"); echo "</label></dd> \t\t</dl> \t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label for=\"enable_shadow_prune\">"; // line 291 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_PRUNE_SHADOW"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label><br /><span>"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_PRUNE_SHADOW_EXPLAIN"); echo "</span></dt> \t\t\t<dd><label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"enable_shadow_prune\" value=\"1\""; // line 292 if (($context["S_PRUNE_SHADOW_ENABLE"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"enable_shadow_prune\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("YES"); echo "</label> \t\t\t\t<label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"enable_shadow_prune\" value=\"0\""; // line 293 if ( !($context["S_PRUNE_SHADOW_ENABLE"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"enable_shadow_prune\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("NO"); echo "</label></dd> \t\t</dl> \t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label for=\"prune_shadow_freq\">"; // line 296 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("AUTO_PRUNE_SHADOW_FREQ"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label><br /><span>"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("AUTO_PRUNE_SHADOW_FREQ_EXPLAIN"); echo "</span></dt> \t\t\t<dd><input type=\"number\" id=\"prune_shadow_freq\" name=\"prune_shadow_freq\" value=\""; // line 297 echo ($context["PRUNE_SHADOW_FREQ"] ?? null); echo "\" min=\"0\" max=\"9999\" /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("DAYS"); echo "</dd> \t\t</dl> \t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label for=\"prune_shadow_days\">"; // line 300 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("AUTO_PRUNE_SHADOW_DAYS"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label><br /><span>"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("AUTO_PRUNE_SHADOW_DAYS_EXPLAIN"); echo "</span></dt> \t\t\t<dd><input type=\"number\" id=\"prune_shadow_days\" name=\"prune_shadow_days\" value=\""; // line 301 echo ($context["PRUNE_SHADOW_DAYS"] ?? null); echo "\" min=\"0\" max=\"9999\" /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("DAYS"); echo "</dd> \t\t</dl> \t\t"; // line 303 // line 304 echo "\t\t</fieldset> \t</div> \t<div id=\"forum_link_options\"> \t\t<fieldset> \t\t\t<legend>"; // line 309 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("GENERAL_FORUM_SETTINGS"); echo "</legend> \t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label for=\"link_display_on_index\">"; // line 311 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("LIST_INDEX"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label><br /><span>"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("LIST_INDEX_EXPLAIN"); echo "</span></dt> \t\t\t<dd><label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"link_display_on_index\" value=\"1\""; // line 312 if (($context["S_DISPLAY_ON_INDEX"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"link_display_on_index\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("YES"); echo "</label> \t\t\t\t<label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"link_display_on_index\" value=\"0\""; // line 313 if ( !($context["S_DISPLAY_ON_INDEX"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"link_display_on_index\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("NO"); echo "</label></dd> \t\t</dl> \t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label for=\"forum_link\">"; // line 316 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_LINK"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label><br /><span>"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_LINK_EXPLAIN"); echo "</span></dt> \t\t\t<dd><input class=\"text medium\" type=\"text\" id=\"forum_link\" name=\"forum_link\" value=\""; // line 317 echo ($context["FORUM_DATA_LINK"] ?? null); echo "\" maxlength=\"255\" /></dd> \t\t</dl> \t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label for=\"forum_link_track\">"; // line 320 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_LINK_TRACK"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label><br /><span>"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_LINK_TRACK_EXPLAIN"); echo "</span></dt> \t\t\t<dd><label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"forum_link_track\" value=\"1\""; // line 321 if (($context["S_FORUM_LINK_TRACK"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"forum_link_track\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("YES"); echo "</label> \t\t\t\t<label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"forum_link_track\" value=\"0\""; // line 322 if ( !($context["S_FORUM_LINK_TRACK"] ?? null)) { echo " id=\"forum_link_track\" checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("NO"); echo "</label></dd> \t\t</dl> \t\t</fieldset> \t</div> \t<div id=\"forum_rules_options\"> \t\t<fieldset> \t\t\t<legend>"; // line 329 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_RULES"); echo "</legend> \t\t"; // line 330 // line 331 echo "\t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label for=\"forum_rules_link\">"; // line 332 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_RULES_LINK"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label><br /><span>"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_RULES_LINK_EXPLAIN"); echo "</span></dt> \t\t\t<dd><input class=\"text medium\" type=\"text\" id=\"forum_rules_link\" name=\"forum_rules_link\" value=\""; // line 333 echo ($context["FORUM_RULES_LINK"] ?? null); echo "\" maxlength=\"255\" /></dd> \t\t</dl> \t"; // line 335 if (($context["FORUM_RULES_PREVIEW"] ?? null)) { // line 336 echo "\t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label>"; // line 337 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_RULES_PREVIEW"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label></dt> \t\t\t<dd>"; // line 338 echo ($context["FORUM_RULES_PREVIEW"] ?? null); echo "</dd> \t\t</dl> \t"; } // line 341 echo "\t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label for=\"forum_rules\">"; // line 342 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_RULES"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label><br /><span>"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_RULES_EXPLAIN"); echo "</span></dt> \t\t\t<dd><textarea id=\"forum_rules\" name=\"forum_rules\" rows=\"4\" cols=\"70\" data-bbcode=\"true\">"; // line 343 echo ($context["FORUM_RULES_PLAIN"] ?? null); echo "</textarea></dd> \t\t\t<dd><label><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"radio\" name=\"rules_parse_bbcode\""; // line 344 if (($context["S_BBCODE_CHECKED"] ?? null)) { echo " checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("PARSE_BBCODE"); echo "</label> \t\t\t\t<label><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"radio\" name=\"rules_parse_smilies\""; // line 345 if (($context["S_SMILIES_CHECKED"] ?? null)) { echo " checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("PARSE_SMILIES"); echo "</label> \t\t\t\t<label><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"radio\" name=\"rules_parse_urls\""; // line 346 if (($context["S_URLS_CHECKED"] ?? null)) { echo " checked=\"checked\""; } echo " /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("PARSE_URLS"); echo "</label></dd> \t\t</dl> \t\t"; // line 348 // line 349 echo "\t\t</fieldset> \t</div> \t \t"; // line 352 // line 353 echo " \t<fieldset class=\"submit-buttons\"> \t\t<legend>"; // line 355 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("SUBMIT"); echo "</legend> \t\t<input class=\"button1\" type=\"submit\" id=\"submit\" name=\"update\" value=\""; // line 356 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("SUBMIT"); echo "\" /> \t\t<input class=\"button2\" type=\"reset\" id=\"reset\" name=\"reset\" value=\""; // line 357 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("RESET"); echo "\" /> \t\t"; // line 358 echo ($context["S_FORM_TOKEN"] ?? null); echo " \t</fieldset> \t</form> "; } elseif ( // line 362 ($context["S_DELETE_FORUM"] ?? null)) { // line 363 echo " \t<a href=\""; // line 364 echo ($context["U_BACK"] ?? null); echo "\" style=\"float: "; echo ($context["S_CONTENT_FLOW_END"] ?? null); echo ";\">« "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("BACK"); echo "</a> \t<h1>"; // line 366 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_DELETE"); echo "</h1> \t<p>"; // line 368 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_DELETE_EXPLAIN"); echo "</p> \t"; // line 370 if (($context["S_ERROR"] ?? null)) { // line 371 echo "\t\t<div class=\"errorbox\"> \t\t\t<h3>"; // line 372 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("WARNING"); echo "</h3> \t\t\t<p>"; // line 373 echo ($context["ERROR_MSG"] ?? null); echo "</p> \t\t</div> \t"; } // line 376 echo " \t<form id=\"acp_forum\" method=\"post\" action=\""; // line 377 echo ($context["U_ACTION"] ?? null); echo "\"> \t<fieldset> \t\t<legend>"; // line 380 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_DELETE"); echo "</legend> \t<dl> \t\t<dt><label>"; // line 382 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_NAME"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label></dt> \t\t<dd><strong>"; // line 383 echo ($context["FORUM_NAME"] ?? null); echo "</strong></dd> \t</dl> \t"; // line 385 if (($context["S_FORUM_POST"] ?? null)) { // line 386 echo "\t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label for=\"delete_action\">"; // line 387 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("ACTION"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label></dt> \t\t\t<dd><label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" id=\"delete_action\" name=\"action_posts\" value=\"delete\" checked=\"checked\" /> "; // line 388 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("DELETE_ALL_POSTS"); echo "</label></dd> \t\t\t"; // line 389 if (($context["S_MOVE_FORUM_OPTIONS"] ?? null)) { // line 390 echo "\t\t\t\t<dd><label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"action_posts\" value=\"move\" /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("MOVE_POSTS_TO"); echo "</label> <select name=\"posts_to_id\">"; echo ($context["S_MOVE_FORUM_OPTIONS"] ?? null); echo "</select></dd> \t\t\t"; } // line 392 echo "\t\t</dl> \t"; } // line 394 echo "\t"; if (($context["S_HAS_SUBFORUMS"] ?? null)) { // line 395 echo "\t\t<dl> \t\t\t<dt><label for=\"sub_delete_action\">"; // line 396 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("ACTION"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo "</label></dt> \t\t\t<dd><label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" id=\"sub_delete_action\" name=\"action_subforums\" value=\"delete\" checked=\"checked\" /> "; // line 397 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("DELETE_SUBFORUMS"); echo "</label></dd> \t\t\t"; // line 398 if (($context["S_FORUMS_LIST"] ?? null)) { // line 399 echo "\t\t\t\t<dd><label><input type=\"radio\" class=\"radio\" name=\"action_subforums\" value=\"move\" /> "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("MOVE_SUBFORUMS_TO"); echo "</label> <select name=\"subforums_to_id\">"; echo ($context["S_FORUMS_LIST"] ?? null); echo "</select></dd> \t\t\t"; } // line 401 echo "\t\t</dl> \t"; } // line 403 echo " \t<p class=\"quick\"> \t\t<input class=\"button1\" type=\"submit\" name=\"update\" value=\""; // line 405 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("SUBMIT"); echo "\" /> \t</p> \t"; // line 407 echo ($context["S_FORM_TOKEN"] ?? null); echo " \t</fieldset> \t</form> "; } elseif ( // line 411 ($context["S_CONTINUE_SYNC"] ?? null)) { // line 412 echo " \t<script> \t// <![CDATA[ \t\tvar close_waitscreen = 0; \t\t// no scrollbars... \t\tpopup('"; // line 417 echo ($context["UA_PROGRESS_BAR"] ?? null); echo "', 400, 240, '_sync'); \t// ]]> \t</script> \t<h1>"; // line 421 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_ADMIN"); echo "</h1> \t<p>"; // line 423 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_ADMIN_EXPLAIN"); echo "</p> \t<p>"; // line 425 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("PROGRESS_EXPLAIN"); echo "</p> "; } else { // line 428 echo " \t<script> \t// <![CDATA[ \t\t/** \t\t* Popup search progress bar \t\t*/ \t\tfunction popup_progress_bar() \t\t{ \t\t\tvar close_waitscreen = 0; \t\t\t// no scrollbars... \t\t\tpopup('"; // line 438 echo ($context["UA_PROGRESS_BAR"] ?? null); echo "', 400, 240, '_sync'); \t\t} \t// ]]> \t</script> \t<h1>"; // line 443 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_ADMIN"); echo "</h1> \t<p>"; // line 445 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_ADMIN_EXPLAIN"); echo "</p> \t"; // line 447 if (($context["ERROR_MSG"] ?? null)) { // line 448 echo "\t\t<div class=\"errorbox\"> \t\t\t<h3>"; // line 449 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("WARNING"); echo "</h3> \t\t\t<p>"; // line 450 echo ($context["ERROR_MSG"] ?? null); echo "</p> \t\t</div> \t"; } // line 453 echo " \t"; // line 454 if (($context["S_RESYNCED"] ?? null)) { // line 455 echo "\t\t<script> \t\t// <![CDATA[ \t\t\tvar close_waitscreen = 1; \t\t// ]]> \t\t</script> \t\t<div class=\"successbox\"> \t\t\t<h3>"; // line 462 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("NOTIFY"); echo "</h3> \t\t\t<p>"; // line 463 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("FORUM_RESYNCED"); echo "</p> \t\t</div> \t"; } // line 466 echo " \t<p><strong>"; // line 467 echo ($context["NAVIGATION"] ?? null); if (($context["S_NO_FORUMS"] ?? null)) { echo " [<a href=\""; echo ($context["U_EDIT"] ?? null); echo "\">"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("EDIT"); echo "</a> | <a href=\""; echo ($context["U_DELETE"] ?? null); echo "\">"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("DELETE"); echo "</a>"; if ( !($context["S_LINK"] ?? null)) { echo " | <a href=\""; echo ($context["U_SYNC"] ?? null); echo "\">"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("RESYNC"); echo "</a>"; } echo "]"; } echo "</strong></p> \t"; // line 469 if (twig_length_filter($this->env, twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["loops"] ?? null), "forums", [], "any", false, false, false, 469))) { // line 470 echo "\t\t<table class=\"table1 forums\"> \t\t\t<col class=\"row1\" /><col class=\"row1\" /><col class=\"row2\" /> \t\t<tbody> \t\t"; // line 473 $context['_parent'] = $context; $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, ($context["loops"] ?? null), "forums", [], "any", false, false, false, 473)); foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["forums"]) { // line 474 echo "\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t<td class=\"folder\">"; // line 475 echo twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["forums"], "FOLDER_IMAGE", [], "any", false, false, false, 475); echo "</td> \t\t\t\t<td class=\"forum-desc\"> \t\t\t\t\t"; // line 477 if (twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["forums"], "FORUM_IMAGE", [], "any", false, false, false, 477)) { echo "<div style=\"float: "; echo ($context["S_CONTENT_FLOW_BEGIN"] ?? null); echo "; margin-right: 5px;\">"; echo twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["forums"], "FORUM_IMAGE", [], "any", false, false, false, 477); echo "</div>"; } // line 478 echo "\t\t\t\t\t<strong>"; if (twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["forums"], "S_FORUM_LINK", [], "any", false, false, false, 478)) { echo twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["forums"], "FORUM_NAME", [], "any", false, false, false, 478); } else { echo "<a href=\""; echo twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["forums"], "U_FORUM", [], "any", false, false, false, 478); echo "\">"; echo twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["forums"], "FORUM_NAME", [], "any", false, false, false, 478); echo "</a>"; } echo "</strong> \t\t\t\t\t"; // line 479 if (twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["forums"], "FORUM_DESCRIPTION", [], "any", false, false, false, 479)) { echo "<br /><span>"; echo twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["forums"], "FORUM_DESCRIPTION", [], "any", false, false, false, 479); echo "</span>"; } // line 480 echo "\t\t\t\t\t"; if (twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["forums"], "S_FORUM_POST", [], "any", false, false, false, 480)) { echo "<br /><br /><span>"; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("TOPICS"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo " <strong>"; echo twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["forums"], "FORUM_TOPICS", [], "any", false, false, false, 480); echo "</strong> / "; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("POSTS"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo " <strong>"; echo twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["forums"], "FORUM_POSTS", [], "any", false, false, false, 480); echo "</strong></span>"; } // line 481 echo "\t\t\t\t</td> \t\t\t\t<td class=\"actions\"> \t\t\t\t\t<span class=\"up-disabled\" style=\"display:none;\">"; // line 483 echo ($context["ICON_MOVE_UP_DISABLED"] ?? null); echo "</span> \t\t\t\t\t<span class=\"up\"><a href=\""; // line 484 echo twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["forums"], "U_MOVE_UP", [], "any", false, false, false, 484); echo "\" data-ajax=\"row_up\">"; echo ($context["ICON_MOVE_UP"] ?? null); echo "</a></span> \t\t\t\t\t<span class=\"down-disabled\" style=\"display:none;\">"; // line 485 echo ($context["ICON_MOVE_DOWN_DISABLED"] ?? null); echo "</span> \t\t\t\t\t<span class=\"down\"><a href=\""; // line 486 echo twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["forums"], "U_MOVE_DOWN", [], "any", false, false, false, 486); echo "\" data-ajax=\"row_down\">"; echo ($context["ICON_MOVE_DOWN"] ?? null); echo "</a></span> \t\t\t\t\t<a href=\""; // line 487 echo twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["forums"], "U_EDIT", [], "any", false, false, false, 487); echo "\">"; echo ($context["ICON_EDIT"] ?? null); echo "</a> \t\t\t\t\t"; // line 488 if ( !twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["forums"], "S_FORUM_LINK", [], "any", false, false, false, 488)) { // line 489 echo "\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\""; echo twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["forums"], "U_SYNC", [], "any", false, false, false, 489); echo "\" onclick=\"popup_progress_bar();\">"; echo ($context["ICON_SYNC"] ?? null); echo "</a> \t\t\t\t\t"; } else { // line 491 echo "\t\t\t\t\t\t"; echo ($context["ICON_SYNC_DISABLED"] ?? null); echo " \t\t\t\t\t"; } // line 493 echo "\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\""; echo twig_get_attribute($this->env, $this->source, $context["forums"], "U_DELETE", [], "any", false, false, false, 493); echo "\">"; echo ($context["ICON_DELETE"] ?? null); echo "</a> \t\t\t\t</td> \t\t\t</tr> \t\t"; } $_parent = $context['_parent']; unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['forums'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']); $context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent; // line 497 echo "\t\t</tbody> \t\t</table> \t"; } // line 500 echo " \t<form id=\"fselect\" method=\"post\" action=\""; // line 501 echo ($context["U_SEL_ACTION"] ?? null); echo "\"> \t<fieldset class=\"quick\"> \t\t"; // line 504 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("SELECT_FORUM"); echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("COLON"); echo " <select name=\"parent_id\" onchange=\"if(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value != -1){ this.form.submit(); }\">"; echo ($context["FORUM_BOX"] ?? null); echo "</select> \t\t"; // line 506 echo "<input class=\"button2\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("GO"); echo "\" />"; // line 507 echo "\t\t"; echo ($context["S_FORM_TOKEN"] ?? null); echo " \t</fieldset> \t</form> \t<form id=\"forums\" method=\"post\" action=\""; // line 511 echo ($context["U_ACTION"] ?? null); echo "\"> \t<fieldset class=\"quick\"> \t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"add\" /> \t\t<input type=\"text\" name=\"forum_name\" value=\"\" maxlength=\"255\" /> \t\t<input class=\"button2\" name=\"addforum\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; // line 517 echo $this->extensions['phpbb\template\twig\extension']->lang("CREATE_FORUM"); echo "\" /> \t\t"; // line 518 echo ($context["S_FORM_TOKEN"] ?? null); echo " \t</fieldset> \t</form> "; } // line 523 echo " "; // line 524 $location = "overall_footer.html"; $namespace = false; if (strpos($location, '@') === 0) { $namespace = substr($location, 1, strpos($location, '/') - 1); $previous_look_up_order = $this->env->getNamespaceLookUpOrder(); $this->env->setNamespaceLookUpOrder(array($namespace, '__main__')); } $this->loadTemplate("overall_footer.html", "acp_forums.html", 524)->display($context); if ($namespace) { $this->env->setNamespaceLookUpOrder($previous_look_up_order); } } public function getTemplateName() { return "acp_forums.html"; } public function isTraitable() { return false; } public function getDebugInfo() { return array ( 1621 => 524, 1618 => 523, 1610 => 518, 1606 => 517, 1597 => 511, 1589 => 507, 1585 => 506, 1577 => 504, 1571 => 501, 1568 => 500, 1563 => 497, 1550 => 493, 1544 => 491, 1536 => 489, 1534 => 488, 1528 => 487, 1522 => 486, 1518 => 485, 1512 => 484, 1508 => 483, 1504 => 481, 1489 => 480, 1483 => 479, 1470 => 478, 1462 => 477, 1457 => 475, 1454 => 474, 1450 => 473, 1445 => 470, 1443 => 469, 1419 => 467, 1416 => 466, 1410 => 463, 1406 => 462, 1397 => 455, 1395 => 454, 1392 => 453, 1386 => 450, 1382 => 449, 1379 => 448, 1377 => 447, 1372 => 445, 1367 => 443, 1359 => 438, 1347 => 428, 1341 => 425, 1336 => 423, 1331 => 421, 1324 => 417, 1317 => 412, 1315 => 411, 1308 => 407, 1303 => 405, 1299 => 403, 1295 => 401, 1287 => 399, 1285 => 398, 1281 => 397, 1276 => 396, 1273 => 395, 1270 => 394, 1266 => 392, 1258 => 390, 1256 => 389, 1252 => 388, 1247 => 387, 1244 => 386, 1242 => 385, 1237 => 383, 1232 => 382, 1227 => 380, 1221 => 377, 1218 => 376, 1212 => 373, 1208 => 372, 1205 => 371, 1203 => 370, 1198 => 368, 1193 => 366, 1184 => 364, 1181 => 363, 1179 => 362, 1172 => 358, 1168 => 357, 1164 => 356, 1160 => 355, 1156 => 353, 1155 => 352, 1150 => 349, 1149 => 348, 1140 => 346, 1132 => 345, 1124 => 344, 1120 => 343, 1113 => 342, 1110 => 341, 1104 => 338, 1099 => 337, 1096 => 336, 1094 => 335, 1089 => 333, 1082 => 332, 1079 => 331, 1078 => 330, 1074 => 329, 1060 => 322, 1052 => 321, 1045 => 320, 1039 => 317, 1032 => 316, 1022 => 313, 1014 => 312, 1007 => 311, 1002 => 309, 995 => 304, 994 => 303, 987 => 301, 980 => 300, 972 => 297, 965 => 296, 955 => 293, 947 => 292, 940 => 291, 930 => 288, 922 => 287, 917 => 286, 907 => 283, 899 => 282, 894 => 281, 884 => 278, 876 => 277, 869 => 276, 861 => 273, 854 => 272, 846 => 269, 839 => 268, 831 => 265, 824 => 264, 814 => 261, 806 => 260, 799 => 259, 796 => 258, 795 => 257, 791 => 256, 786 => 253, 785 => 252, 780 => 250, 773 => 249, 763 => 246, 755 => 245, 748 => 244, 738 => 241, 730 => 240, 725 => 239, 715 => 236, 707 => 235, 700 => 234, 690 => 231, 682 => 230, 675 => 229, 665 => 226, 657 => 225, 650 => 224, 640 => 221, 632 => 220, 625 => 219, 615 => 216, 607 => 215, 600 => 214, 590 => 211, 582 => 210, 575 => 209, 569 => 206, 564 => 205, 561 => 204, 560 => 203, 556 => 202, 542 => 195, 534 => 194, 527 => 193, 522 => 191, 516 => 187, 515 => 186, 508 => 184, 503 => 183, 500 => 182, 490 => 178, 487 => 177, 485 => 176, 478 => 174, 471 => 173, 463 => 170, 456 => 169, 452 => 167, 444 => 165, 442 => 164, 438 => 163, 431 => 162, 421 => 159, 413 => 158, 405 => 157, 401 => 156, 394 => 155, 388 => 152, 383 => 151, 380 => 150, 372 => 147, 365 => 146, 362 => 145, 360 => 144, 349 => 142, 344 => 141, 341 => 140, 336 => 137, 330 => 135, 322 => 133, 320 => 132, 315 => 131, 311 => 129, 308 => 128, 303 => 125, 295 => 124, 287 => 123, 282 => 122, 278 => 120, 276 => 119, 271 => 117, 266 => 116, 263 => 115, 262 => 114, 258 => 113, 252 => 110, 249 => 109, 243 => 106, 239 => 105, 236 => 104, 234 => 103, 229 => 101, 219 => 99, 210 => 97, 203 => 92, 199 => 90, 197 => 89, 194 => 88, 190 => 86, 188 => 85, 185 => 84, 181 => 82, 179 => 81, 176 => 80, 172 => 78, 170 => 77, 167 => 76, 164 => 75, 160 => 73, 157 => 72, 155 => 71, 152 => 70, 149 => 69, 145 => 67, 142 => 66, 140 => 65, 122 => 50, 112 => 43, 102 => 36, 99 => 35, 86 => 26, 84 => 25, 81 => 24, 68 => 15, 66 => 14, 56 => 6, 54 => 5, 49 => 2, 37 => 1,); } public function getSourceContext() { return new Source("", "acp_forums.html", ""); } }