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Edit File: _option.cpython-310.pyc
o f�_T3 � @ s� d Z ddlZddlZddlmZmZmZmZmZ ddlm Z ddl mZ ddlm Z e d�Ze�e�� �Zg d �ZG d d� dej�ZG dd � d ej�ZG dd� dej�ZeZdS )a, GOption command line parser Extends optparse to use the GOptionGroup, GOptionEntry and GOptionContext objects. So it is possible to use the gtk, gnome_program and gstreamer command line groups and contexts. Use this interface instead of the raw wrappers of GOptionContext and GOptionGroup in glib. � N)� OptParseError�OptionError�OptionValueError�BadOptionError�OptionConflictError� )�get_introspection_module)�_gi)�GError�GLib) r r r r r �Option�OptionGroup�OptionParser�make_optionc @ sN e Zd ZdZejjd Zejjg d� Zdej Z dd� Zdd� Zd d � Z dS )r a� Represents a command line option To use the extended possibilities of the GOption API Option (and make_option) are extended with new types and attributes. Types: filename The supplied arguments are read as filename, GOption parses this type in with the GLib filename encoding. :ivar optional_arg: This does not need a arguement, but it can be supplied. :ivar hidden: The help list does not show this option :ivar in_main: This option apears in the main group, this should only be used for backwards compatibility. Use Option.REMAINING as option name to get all positional arguments. .. NOTE:: Every argument to an option is passed as utf-8 coded string, the only exception are options which use the 'filename' type, its arguments are passed as strings in the GLib filename encoding. For further help, see optparse.Option. )�filename)�hidden�in_main�optional_arg�--c O s^ t jj| g|�R i |�� | jstd��t| j�t| j�k r"td��| js-td| jd ��d S )Nz!%s at least one long option name.z;%s at least more long option names than short option names.z%s needs a help message.r )�optparser �__init__� _long_opts� ValueError�len�_short_opts�help��self�args�kwargs� r �,/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gi/_option.pyr ^ s ��zOption.__init__c C sF | j |v r| j�| j � tj�| |� t| j�t| j�kr!td��d S )NzCgoption.Option needs more long option names than short option names) � REMAININGr �appendr r �_set_opt_stringr r r )r �optsr r r! r$ j s �zOption._set_opt_stringc c s� � d}| j r|tjjO }| jr|tjjO }| �� r#| jr"|tjjO }n|tjj O }| j dkr4|tjjO }t| j | j�D ] \}}|d }t|t�sM|�d�}|dd � ||| j| jfV q;| j t| j�d � D ]}|dd � d|| j| jfV qfd S )Nr r r zutf-8� � )r r �OptionFlags�HIDDENr �IN_MAIN�takes_valuer �OPTIONAL_ARG�NO_ARG�type�FILENAME�zipr r � isinstance�bytes�encoder �metavarr )r �flags� long_name� short_name�short_bytesr r r! �_to_goptionentriesr s* �� �zOption._to_goptionentriesN)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__�__doc__r r �TYPES�ATTRSr �OPTION_REMAININGr"