0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: _next_gen.cpython-310.pyc
o ��`� � @ s� d Z ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZm Z m Z mZ ddddddd dd dd d ddd ddddd �dd�ZeZ eeddd �Zedddddddd dddd�dd�ZdS )zr These are Python 3.6+-only and keyword-only APIs that call `attr.s` and `attr.ib` with different default values. � )�partial)�UnannotatedAttributeError� )�setters)�NOTHING�_frozen_setattrs�attrib�attrsNTF)�these�repr�hash�init�slots�frozen�weakref_slot�str�auto_attribs�kw_only� cache_hash�auto_exc�eq�order�auto_detect�getstate_setstate� on_setattr�field_transformerc sR �������� � ��� �����fdd��� ���fdd�}| du r%|S || �S )aD The only behavioral differences are the handling of the *auto_attribs* option: :param Optional[bool] auto_attribs: If set to `True` or `False`, it behaves exactly like `attr.s`. If left `None`, `attr.s` will try to guess: 1. If any attributes are annotated and no unannotated `attr.ib`\ s are found, it assumes *auto_attribs=True*. 2. Otherwise it assumes *auto_attribs=False* and tries to collect `attr.ib`\ s. and that mutable classes (``frozen=False``) validate on ``__setattr__``. .. versionadded:: 20.1.0 c s� t di d| �d��d��d��d��d� �d��d��d ��d |�d� �d��d ��d��d��d� �dd�d��d� �d���S )N� maybe_clsr r r r r r r r r r r r r r r �collect_by_mroTr r r � )r )�clsr )r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r �0/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/attr/_next_gen.py�do_it5 sR �������� � ��� ��������zdefine.<locals>.do_itc s� �dt jfv}�du r�du rt j�| jD ]}|jtu r'|r"td��t j� nq� dur1�| � �S z�| d�W S tyE �| d� Y S w )z� Making this a wrapper ensures this code runs during class creation. We also ensure that frozen-ness of classes is inherited. NFz@Frozen classes can't use on_setattr (frozen-ness was inherited).T)r �NO_OP�validate� __bases__�__setattr__r � ValueErrorr )r �had_on_setattr�base_cls)r r! r r r r �wrapM s&