0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: _newclient.cpython-310.pyc
o �bO� � @ s� d Z ddlZddlmZ ddlmZmZmZmZm Z ddl mZ ddlm Z mZ ddlmZ ddlmZ dd lmZ dd lmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ dd lmZ ddlmZmZm Z m!Z!m"Z"m#Z# ddl$m%Z% ddl&m'Z'm(Z(m)Z) dZ*dZ+dZ,dZ-e� Z.G dd� de/�Z0G dd� de/�Z1G dd� de/�Z2G dd� de2�Z3G dd� de/�Z4G dd � d e4�Z5G d!d"� d"e4�Z6G d#d$� d$e/�Z7G d%d&� d&e/�Z8G d'd(� d(e/�Z9G d)d*� d*e4�Z:G d+d,� d,e:�Z;G d-d.� d.e/�Z<d/d0� Z=G d1d2� d2e�Z>G d3d4� d4e>�Z?e�@d5eA� �Bd6�f �ZCd7d8� ZDe�@d9�ZEd:d;� ZFee(�G d<d=� d=��ZGG d>d?� d?�ZHd@dA� ZIee(�ZJee)�G dBdC� dC��ZKee �G dDdE� dE��ZLee�G dFdG� dG��ZMG dHdI� dIe�ZNdS )Ja� An U{HTTP 1.1<http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616.html>} client. The way to use the functionality provided by this module is to: - Connect a L{HTTP11ClientProtocol} to an HTTP server - Create a L{Request} with the appropriate data - Pass the request to L{HTTP11ClientProtocol.request} - The returned Deferred will fire with a L{Response} object - Create a L{IProtocol} provider which can handle the response body - Connect it to the response with L{Response.deliverBody} - When the protocol's C{connectionLost} method is called, the response is complete. See L{Response.deliverBody} for details. Various other classes in this module support this usage: - HTTPParser is the basic HTTP parser. It can handle the parts of HTTP which are symmetric between requests and responses. - HTTPClientParser extends HTTPParser to handle response-specific parts of HTTP. One instance is created for each request to parse the corresponding response. � N)�implementer)�CancelledError�Deferred�fail� maybeDeferred�succeed)�ConnectionDone)� IConsumer� IPushProducer)�Protocol)�Logger)�LineReceiver)� networkString)�proxyForInterface)�Failure)�fullyQualifiedName)� NO_CONTENT�NOT_MODIFIED�PotentialDataLoss�_ChunkedTransferDecoder� _DataLoss�_IdentityTransferDecoder)�Headers)�UNKNOWN_LENGTH�IClientRequest� IResponse�STATUS�HEADER�BODY�DONEc @ � e Zd ZdZdS )� BadHeadersz@ Headers passed to L{Request} were in some way invalid. N��__name__� __module__�__qualname__�__doc__� r'