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Edit File: _Utils.pm
package Moo::_Utils; use strict; use warnings; { no strict 'refs'; no warnings 'once'; sub _getglob { \*{$_[0]} } sub _getstash { \%{"$_[0]::"} } } BEGIN { my ($su, $sn); $su = $INC{'Sub/Util.pm'} && defined &Sub::Util::set_subname or $sn = $INC{'Sub/Name.pm'} or $su = eval { require Sub::Util; } && defined &Sub::Util::set_subname or $sn = eval { require Sub::Name; }; *_subname = $su ? \&Sub::Util::set_subname : $sn ? \&Sub::Name::subname : sub { $_[1] }; *_CAN_SUBNAME = ($su || $sn) ? sub(){1} : sub(){0}; *_WORK_AROUND_BROKEN_MODULE_STATE = "$]" < 5.009 ? sub(){1} : sub(){0}; *_WORK_AROUND_HINT_LEAKAGE = "$]" < 5.011 && !("$]" >= 5.009004 && "$]" < 5.010001) ? sub(){1} : sub(){0}; my $module_name_rx = qr/\A(?!\d)\w+(?:::\w+)*\z/; *_module_name_rx = sub(){$module_name_rx}; } use Exporter (); BEGIN { *import = \&Exporter::import } use Config (); use Scalar::Util qw(weaken); use Carp qw(croak); # this should be empty, but some CPAN modules expect these our @EXPORT = qw( _install_coderef _load_module ); our @EXPORT_OK = qw( _check_tracked _getglob _getstash _install_coderef _install_modifier _install_tracked _load_module _maybe_load_module _module_name_rx _name_coderef _set_loaded _unimport_coderefs _linear_isa _in_global_destruction _in_global_destruction_code ); my %EXPORTS; sub _install_modifier { my $target = $_[0]; my $type = $_[1]; my $code = $_[-1]; my @names = @_[2 .. $#_ - 1]; @names = @{ $names[0] } if ref($names[0]) eq 'ARRAY'; my @tracked = _check_tracked($target, \@names); if ($INC{'Sub/Defer.pm'}) { for my $name (@names) { # CMM will throw for us if it doesn't exist if (my $to_modify = $target->can($name)) { Sub::Defer::undefer_sub($to_modify); } } } require Class::Method::Modifiers; Class::Method::Modifiers::install_modifier(@_); if (@tracked) { my $exports = $EXPORTS{$target}; weaken($exports->{$_} = $target->can($_)) for @tracked; } return; } sub _install_tracked { my ($target, $name, $code) = @_; my $from = caller; weaken($EXPORTS{$target}{$name} = $code); _install_coderef("${target}::${name}", "${from}::${name}", $code); } sub Moo::_Util::__GUARD__::DESTROY { delete $INC{$_[0]->[0]} if @{$_[0]}; } sub _require { my ($file) = @_; my $guard = _WORK_AROUND_BROKEN_MODULE_STATE && bless([ $file ], 'Moo::_Util::__GUARD__'); local %^H if _WORK_AROUND_HINT_LEAKAGE; if (!eval { require $file; 1 }) { my $e = $@ || "Can't locate $file"; my $me = __FILE__; $e =~ s{ at \Q$me\E line \d+\.\n\z}{}; return $e; } pop @$guard if _WORK_AROUND_BROKEN_MODULE_STATE; return undef; } sub _load_module { my ($module) = @_; croak qq{"$module" is not a module name!} unless $module =~ _module_name_rx; (my $file = "$module.pm") =~ s{::}{/}g; return 1 if $INC{$file}; my $e = _require $file; return 1 if !defined $e; croak $e if $e !~ /\ACan't locate \Q$file\E /; # can't just ->can('can') because a sub-package Foo::Bar::Baz # creates a 'Baz::' key in Foo::Bar's symbol table my $stash = _getstash($module)||{}; no strict 'refs'; return 1 if grep +exists &{"${module}::$_"}, grep !/::\z/, keys %$stash; return 1 if $INC{"Moose.pm"} && Class::MOP::class_of($module) or Mouse::Util->can('find_meta') && Mouse::Util::find_meta($module); croak $e; } our %MAYBE_LOADED; sub _maybe_load_module { my $module = $_[0]; return $MAYBE_LOADED{$module} if exists $MAYBE_LOADED{$module}; (my $file = "$module.pm") =~ s{::}{/}g; my $e = _require $file; if (!defined $e) { return $MAYBE_LOADED{$module} = 1; } elsif ($e !~ /\ACan't locate \Q$file\E /) { warn "$module exists but failed to load with error: $e"; } return $MAYBE_LOADED{$module} = 0; } BEGIN { # optimize for newer perls require mro if "$]" >= 5.009_005; if (defined &mro::get_linear_isa) { *_linear_isa = \&mro::get_linear_isa; } else { my $e; { local $@; eval <<'END_CODE' or $e = $@; sub _linear_isa($;$) { my $class = shift; my $type = shift || exists $Class::C3::MRO{$class} ? 'c3' : 'dfs'; if ($type eq 'c3') { require Class::C3; return [Class::C3::calculateMRO($class)]; } my @check = ($class); my @lin; my %found; while (defined(my $check = shift @check)) { push @lin, $check; no strict 'refs'; unshift @check, grep !$found{$_}++, @{"$check\::ISA"}; } return \@lin; } 1; END_CODE } die $e if defined $e; } } BEGIN { my $gd_code = "$]" >= 5.014 ? q[${^GLOBAL_PHASE} eq 'DESTRUCT'] : _maybe_load_module('Devel::GlobalDestruction::XS') ? 'Devel::GlobalDestruction::XS::in_global_destruction()' : 'do { use B (); ${B::main_cv()} == 0 }'; *_in_global_destruction_code = sub () { $gd_code }; eval "sub _in_global_destruction () { $gd_code }; 1" or die $@; } sub _set_loaded { (my $file = "$_[0].pm") =~ s{::}{/}g; $INC{$file} ||= $_[1]; } sub _install_coderef { my ($glob, $code) = (_getglob($_[0]), _name_coderef(@_)); no warnings 'redefine'; if (*{$glob}{CODE}) { *{$glob} = $code; } # perl will sometimes warn about mismatched prototypes coming from the # inheritance cache, so disable them if we aren't redefining a sub else { no warnings 'prototype'; *{$glob} = $code; } } sub _name_coderef { shift if @_ > 2; # three args is (target, name, sub) _CAN_SUBNAME ? _subname(@_) : $_[1]; } sub _check_tracked { my ($target, $names) = @_; my $stash = _getstash($target); my $exports = $EXPORTS{$target} or return; $names = [keys %$exports] if !$names; my %rev = map +($exports->{$_} => $_), grep defined $exports->{$_}, keys %$exports; return grep { my $g = $stash->{$_}; $g && defined &$g && exists $rev{\&$g}; } @$names; } sub _unimport_coderefs { my ($target) = @_; my $stash = _getstash($target); my @exports = _check_tracked($target); foreach my $name (@exports) { my $old = delete $stash->{$name}; my $full_name = join('::',$target,$name); # Copy everything except the code slot back into place (e.g. $has) foreach my $type (qw(SCALAR HASH ARRAY IO)) { next unless defined(*{$old}{$type}); no strict 'refs'; *$full_name = *{$old}{$type}; } } } if ($Config::Config{useithreads}) { require Moo::HandleMoose::_TypeMap; } 1;