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Edit File: TypeTiny.pm
package Eval::TypeTiny; use strict; sub _clean_eval { local $@; local $SIG{__DIE__}; my $r = eval $_[0]; my $e = $@; return ( $r, $e ); } use warnings; BEGIN { *HAS_LEXICAL_SUBS = ( $] >= 5.018 ) ? sub() { !!1 } : sub() { !!0 }; } { # this is unused now and will be removed in a future version of Eval::TypeTiny my $hlv; sub HAS_LEXICAL_VARS () { $hlv = !!eval { require Devel::LexAlias; exists( &Devel::LexAlias::lexalias ); } unless defined $hlv; $hlv; } } { sub IMPLEMENTATION_DEVEL_LEXALIAS () { 'Devel::LexAlias' } sub IMPLEMENTATION_PADWALKER () { 'PadWalker' } sub IMPLEMENTATION_TIE () { 'tie' } sub IMPLEMENTATION_NATIVE () { 'perl' } my $implementation; #<<< # uncoverable subroutine sub ALIAS_IMPLEMENTATION () { $implementation ||= do { do { $] ge '5.022' } ? IMPLEMENTATION_NATIVE : eval { require Devel::LexAlias } ? IMPLEMENTATION_DEVEL_LEXALIAS : eval { require PadWalker } ? IMPLEMENTATION_PADWALKER : IMPLEMENTATION_TIE; }; } #>>> sub _force_implementation { $implementation = shift; } } BEGIN { *_EXTENDED_TESTING = $ENV{EXTENDED_TESTING} ? sub() { !!1 } : sub() { !!0 }; } our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:TOBYINK'; our $VERSION = '1.012004'; our @EXPORT = qw( eval_closure ); our @EXPORT_OK = qw( HAS_LEXICAL_SUBS HAS_LEXICAL_VARS ALIAS_IMPLEMENTATION IMPLEMENTATION_DEVEL_LEXALIAS IMPLEMENTATION_PADWALKER IMPLEMENTATION_NATIVE IMPLEMENTATION_TIE ); $VERSION =~ tr/_//d; # See Types::TypeTiny for an explanation of this import method. # # uncoverable subroutine sub import { no warnings "redefine"; our @ISA = qw( Exporter::Tiny ); require Exporter::Tiny; my $next = \&Exporter::Tiny::import; *import = $next; my $class = shift; my $opts = { ref( $_[0] ) ? %{ +shift } : () }; $opts->{into} ||= scalar( caller ); return $class->$next( $opts, @_ ); } #/ sub import sub eval_closure { my ( %args ) = @_; my $src = ref $args{source} eq "ARRAY" ? join( "\n", @{ $args{source} } ) : $args{source}; $args{alias} = 0 unless defined $args{alias}; $args{line} = 1 unless defined $args{line}; $args{description} =~ s/[^\w .:-\[\]\(\)\{\}\']//g if defined $args{description}; $src = qq{#line $args{line} "$args{description}"\n$src} if defined $args{description} && !( $^P & 0x10 ); $args{environment} ||= {}; if ( _EXTENDED_TESTING ) { require Scalar::Util; for my $k ( sort keys %{ $args{environment} } ) { next if $k =~ /^\$/ && Scalar::Util::reftype( $args{environment}{$k} ) =~ /^(SCALAR|REF)$/; next if $k =~ /^\@/ && Scalar::Util::reftype( $args{environment}{$k} ) eq q(ARRAY); next if $k =~ /^\%/ && Scalar::Util::reftype( $args{environment}{$k} ) eq q(HASH); next if $k =~ /^\&/ && Scalar::Util::reftype( $args{environment}{$k} ) eq q(CODE); require Error::TypeTiny; Error::TypeTiny::croak( "Expected a variable name and ref; got %s => %s", $k, $args{environment}{$k} ); } #/ for my $k ( sort keys %...) } #/ if ( _EXTENDED_TESTING) my $sandpkg = 'Eval::TypeTiny::Sandbox'; my $alias = exists( $args{alias} ) ? $args{alias} : 0; my @keys = sort keys %{ $args{environment} }; my $i = 0; my $source = join "\n" => ( "package $sandpkg;", "sub {", map( _make_lexical_assignment( $_, $i++, $alias ), @keys ), $src, "}", ); if ( $alias and ALIAS_IMPLEMENTATION eq IMPLEMENTATION_TIE ) { _manufacture_ties(); } my ( $compiler, $e ) = _clean_eval( $source ); if ( $e ) { chomp $e; require Error::TypeTiny::Compilation; "Error::TypeTiny::Compilation"->throw( code => ( ref $args{source} eq "ARRAY" ? join( "\n", @{ $args{source} } ) : $args{source} ), errstr => $e, environment => $args{environment}, ); } #/ if ( $e ) my $code = $compiler->( @{ $args{environment} }{@keys} ); undef( $compiler ); if ( $alias and ALIAS_IMPLEMENTATION eq IMPLEMENTATION_DEVEL_LEXALIAS ) { require Devel::LexAlias; Devel::LexAlias::lexalias( $code, $_ => $args{environment}{$_} ) for grep !/^\&/, @keys; } if ( $alias and ALIAS_IMPLEMENTATION eq IMPLEMENTATION_PADWALKER ) { require PadWalker; my %env = map +( $_ => $args{environment}{$_} ), grep !/^\&/, @keys; PadWalker::set_closed_over( $code, \%env ); } return $code; } #/ sub eval_closure my $tmp; sub _make_lexical_assignment { my ( $key, $index, $alias ) = @_; my $name = substr( $key, 1 ); if ( HAS_LEXICAL_SUBS and $key =~ /^\&/ ) { $tmp++; my $tmpname = '$__LEXICAL_SUB__' . $tmp; return "no warnings 'experimental::lexical_subs';" . "use feature 'lexical_subs';" . "my $tmpname = \$_[$index];" . "my sub $name { goto $tmpname };"; } if ( !$alias ) { my $sigil = substr( $key, 0, 1 ); return "my $key = $sigil\{ \$_[$index] };"; } elsif ( ALIAS_IMPLEMENTATION eq IMPLEMENTATION_NATIVE ) { return "no warnings 'experimental::refaliasing';" . "use feature 'refaliasing';" . "my $key; \\$key = \$_[$index];"; } elsif ( ALIAS_IMPLEMENTATION eq IMPLEMENTATION_DEVEL_LEXALIAS ) { return "my $key;"; } elsif ( ALIAS_IMPLEMENTATION eq IMPLEMENTATION_PADWALKER ) { return "my $key;"; } else { my $tieclass = { '@' => 'Eval::TypeTiny::_TieArray', '%' => 'Eval::TypeTiny::_TieHash', '$' => 'Eval::TypeTiny::_TieScalar', }->{ substr( $key, 0, 1 ) }; return sprintf( 'tie(my(%s), "%s", $_[%d]);', $key, $tieclass, $index, ); } #/ else [ if ( !$alias ) ] } #/ sub _make_lexical_assignment { my $tie; sub _manufacture_ties { $tie ||= eval <<'FALLBACK'; } } no warnings qw(void once uninitialized numeric); use Type::Tiny (); { package # Eval::TypeTiny::_TieArray; require Tie::Array; our @ISA = qw( Tie::StdArray ); sub TIEARRAY { my $class = shift; bless $_[0] => $class; } sub AUTOLOAD { my $self = shift; my ($method) = (our $AUTOLOAD =~ /(\w+)$/); defined tied(@$self) and return tied(@$self)->$method(@_); require Carp; Carp::croak(qq[Can't call method "$method" on an undefined value]) unless $method eq 'DESTROY'; } sub can { my $self = shift; my $code = $self->SUPER::can(@_) || (defined tied(@$self) and tied(@$self)->can(@_)); return $code; } __PACKAGE__->Type::Tiny::_install_overloads( q[bool] => sub { !! tied @{$_[0]} }, q[""] => sub { '' . tied @{$_[0]} }, q[0+] => sub { 0 + tied @{$_[0]} }, ); } { package # Eval::TypeTiny::_TieHash; require Tie::Hash; our @ISA = qw( Tie::StdHash ); sub TIEHASH { my $class = shift; bless $_[0] => $class; } sub AUTOLOAD { my $self = shift; my ($method) = (our $AUTOLOAD =~ /(\w+)$/); defined tied(%$self) and return tied(%$self)->$method(@_); require Carp; Carp::croak(qq[Can't call method "$method" on an undefined value]) unless $method eq 'DESTROY'; } sub can { my $self = shift; my $code = $self->SUPER::can(@_) || (defined tied(%$self) and tied(%$self)->can(@_)); return $code; } __PACKAGE__->Type::Tiny::_install_overloads( q[bool] => sub { !! tied %{$_[0]} }, q[""] => sub { '' . tied %{$_[0]} }, q[0+] => sub { 0 + tied %{$_[0]} }, ); } { package # Eval::TypeTiny::_TieScalar; require Tie::Scalar; our @ISA = qw( Tie::StdScalar ); sub TIESCALAR { my $class = shift; bless $_[0] => $class; } sub AUTOLOAD { my $self = shift; my ($method) = (our $AUTOLOAD =~ /(\w+)$/); defined tied($$self) and return tied($$self)->$method(@_); require Carp; Carp::croak(qq[Can't call method "$method" on an undefined value]) unless $method eq 'DESTROY'; } sub can { my $self = shift; my $code = $self->SUPER::can(@_) || (defined tied($$self) and tied($$self)->can(@_)); return $code; } __PACKAGE__->Type::Tiny::_install_overloads( q[bool] => sub { !! tied ${$_[0]} }, q[""] => sub { '' . tied ${$_[0]} }, q[0+] => sub { 0 + tied ${$_[0]} }, ); } 1; FALLBACK 1; __END__ =pod =encoding utf-8 =for stopwords pragmas coderefs =head1 NAME Eval::TypeTiny - utility to evaluate a string of Perl code in a clean environment =head1 STATUS This module is covered by the L<Type-Tiny stability policy|Type::Tiny::Manual::Policies/"STABILITY">. =head1 DESCRIPTION This module is used by Type::Tiny to compile coderefs from strings of Perl code, and hashrefs of variables to close over. =head2 Functions This module exports one function, which works much like the similarly named function from L<Eval::Closure>: =over =item C<< eval_closure(source => $source, environment => \%env, %opt) >> =back =head2 Constants The following constants may be exported, but are not by default. =over =item C<< HAS_LEXICAL_SUBS >> Boolean indicating whether Eval::TypeTiny has support for lexical subs. (This feature requires Perl 5.18.) =item C<< ALIAS_IMPLEMENTATION >> Returns a string indicating what implementation of C<< alias => 1 >> is being used. Eval::TypeTiny will automatically choose the best implementation. This constant can be matched against the C<< IMPLEMENTAION_* >> constants. =item C<< IMPLEMENTATION_NATIVE >> If C<< ALIAS_IMPLEMENTATION eq IMPLEMENTATION_NATIVE >> then Eval::TypeTiny is currently using Perl 5.22's native alias feature. This requires Perl 5.22. =item C<< IMPLEMENTATION_DEVEL_LEXALIAS >> If C<< ALIAS_IMPLEMENTATION eq IMPLEMENTATION_DEVEL_LEXALIAS >> then Eval::TypeTiny is currently using L<Devel::LexAlias> to provide aliases. =item C<< IMPLEMENTATION_PADWALKER >> If C<< ALIAS_IMPLEMENTATION eq IMPLEMENTATION_PADWALKER >> then Eval::TypeTiny is currently using L<PadWalker> to provide aliases. =item C<< IMPLEMENTATION_TIE >> If C<< ALIAS_IMPLEMENTATION eq IMPLEMENTATION_TIE >> then Eval::TypeTiny is using the fallback implementation of aliases using C<tie>. This is the slowest implementation, and may cause problems in certain edge cases, like trying to alias already-tied variables, but it's the only way to implement C<< alias => 1 >> without a recent version of Perl or one of the two optional modules mentioned above. =back =head1 EVALUATION ENVIRONMENT The evaluation is performed in the presence of L<strict>, but the absence of L<warnings>. (This is different to L<Eval::Closure> which enables warnings for compiled closures.) The L<feature> pragma is not active in the evaluation environment, so the following will not work: use feature qw(say); use Eval::TypeTiny qw(eval_closure); my $say_all = eval_closure( source => 'sub { say for @_ }', ); $say_all->("Hello", "World"); The L<feature> pragma does not "carry over" into the stringy eval. It is of course possible to import pragmas into the evaluated string as part of the string itself: use Eval::TypeTiny qw(eval_closure); my $say_all = eval_closure( source => 'sub { use feature qw(say); say for @_ }', ); $say_all->("Hello", "World"); =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs to L<https://github.com/tobyink/p5-type-tiny/issues>. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Eval::Closure>, L<Error::TypeTiny::Compilation>. =head1 AUTHOR Toby Inkster E<lt>tobyink@cpan.orgE<gt>. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE This software is copyright (c) 2013-2014, 2017-2021 by Toby Inkster. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =head1 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.