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Edit File: TypeTiny.pm
package Error::TypeTiny; use 5.006001; use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { $Error::TypeTiny::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:TOBYINK'; $Error::TypeTiny::VERSION = '1.012004'; } $Error::TypeTiny::VERSION =~ tr/_//d; require Type::Tiny; __PACKAGE__->Type::Tiny::_install_overloads( q[""] => sub { $_[0]->to_string }, q[bool] => sub { 1 }, ); our %CarpInternal; $CarpInternal{$_}++ for qw( Types::Standard::_Stringable Exporter::Tiny Eval::TypeTiny::Sandbox Devel::TypeTiny::Perl56Compat Devel::TypeTiny::Perl58Compat Error::TypeTiny Error::TypeTiny::Assertion Error::TypeTiny::Compilation Error::TypeTiny::WrongNumberOfParameters Eval::TypeTiny Reply::Plugin::TypeTiny Test::TypeTiny Type::Coercion Type::Coercion::FromMoose Type::Coercion::Union Type::Library Type::Params Type::Parser Type::Registry Types::Common::Numeric Types::Common::String Types::Standard Types::Standard::ArrayRef Types::Standard::CycleTuple Types::Standard::Dict Types::Standard::HashRef Types::Standard::Map Types::Standard::ScalarRef Types::Standard::StrMatch Types::Standard::Tied Types::Standard::Tuple Types::TypeTiny Type::Tiny Type::Tiny::Class Type::Tiny::Duck Type::Tiny::Enum Type::Tiny::_HalfOp Type::Tiny::Intersection Type::Tiny::Role Type::Tiny::Union Type::Utils ); sub new { my $class = shift; my %params = ( @_ == 1 ) ? %{ $_[0] } : @_; return bless \%params, $class; } sub throw { my $class = shift; my ( $level, @caller, %ctxt ) = 0; while ( do { my $caller = caller $level; defined $caller and $CarpInternal{$caller}; } ) { $level++; } if ( ( ( caller( $level - 1 ) )[1] || "" ) =~ /^(?:parameter validation for|exportable function) '(.+?)'$/ ) { my ( $pkg, $func ) = ( $1 =~ m{^(.+)::(\w+)$} ); $level++ if caller( $level ) eq ( $pkg || "" ); } # Moo's Method::Generate::Constructor puts an eval in the stack trace, # that is useless for debugging, so show the stack frame one above. $level++ if ( ( caller( $level ) )[1] =~ /^\(eval \d+\)$/ and ( caller( $level ) )[3] eq '(eval)' # (caller())[3] is $subroutine ); @ctxt{qw/ package file line /} = caller( $level ); my $stack = undef; if ( our $StackTrace ) { require Devel::StackTrace; $stack = "Devel::StackTrace"->new( ignore_package => [ keys %CarpInternal ], ); } die( our $LastError = $class->new( context => \%ctxt, stack_trace => $stack, @_, ) ); } #/ sub throw sub message { $_[0]{message} ||= $_[0]->_build_message } sub context { $_[0]{context} } sub stack_trace { $_[0]{stack_trace} } sub to_string { my $e = shift; my $c = $e->context; my $m = $e->message; $m =~ /\n\z/s ? $m : $c ? sprintf( "%s at %s line %s.\n", $m, $c->{file} || 'file?', $c->{line} || 'NaN' ) : sprintf( "%s\n", $m ); } #/ sub to_string sub _build_message { return 'An exception has occurred'; } sub croak { my ( $fmt, @args ) = @_; @_ = ( __PACKAGE__, message => sprintf( $fmt, @args ), ); goto \&throw; } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding utf-8 =head1 NAME Error::TypeTiny - exceptions for Type::Tiny and friends =head1 SYNOPSIS use Data::Dumper; use Try::Tiny; use Types::Standard qw(Str); try { Str->assert_valid(undef); } catch { my $exception = shift; warn "Encountered Error: $exception"; warn Dumper($exception->explain) if $exception->isa("Error::TypeTiny::Assertion"); }; =head1 STATUS This module is covered by the L<Type-Tiny stability policy|Type::Tiny::Manual::Policies/"STABILITY">. =head1 DESCRIPTION When Type::Tiny and its related modules encounter an error, they throw an exception object. These exception objects inherit from Error::TypeTiny. =head2 Constructors =over =item C<< new(%attributes) >> Moose-style constructor function. =item C<< throw(%attributes) >> Constructs an exception and passes it to C<die>. Automatically populates C<context> and C<stack_trace> if appropriate. =back =head2 Attributes =over =item C<message> The error message. =item C<context> Hashref containing the package, file and line that generated the error. =item C<stack_trace> A more complete stack trace. This feature requires L<Devel::StackTrace>; use the C<< $StackTrace >> package variable to switch it on. =back =head2 Methods =over =item C<to_string> Returns the message, followed by the context if it is set. =back =head2 Functions =over =item C<< Error::TypeTiny::croak($format, @args) >> Functional-style shortcut to C<throw> method. Takes an C<sprintf>-style format string and optional arguments to construct the C<message>. =back =head2 Overloading =over =item * Stringification is overloaded to call C<to_string>. =back =head2 Package Variables =over =item C<< %Error::TypeTiny::CarpInternal >> Serves a similar purpose to C<< %Carp::CarpInternal >>. =item C<< $Error::TypeTiny::StackTrace >> Boolean to toggle stack trace generation. =item C<< $Error::TypeTiny::LastError >> A reference to the last exception object thrown. =back =head1 CAVEATS Although Error::TypeTiny objects are thrown for errors produced by Type::Tiny, that doesn't mean every time you use Type::Tiny you'll get Error::TypeTinys whenever you want. For example, if you use a Type::Tiny type constraint in a Moose attribute, Moose will not call the constraint's C<assert_valid> method (which throws an exception). Instead it will call C<check> and C<get_message> (which do not), and will C<confess> an error message of its own. (The C<< $LastError >> package variable may save your bacon.) =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs to L<https://github.com/tobyink/p5-type-tiny/issues>. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Error::TypeTiny::Assertion>, L<Error::TypeTiny::WrongNumberOfParameters>. L<Try::Tiny>, L<Try::Tiny::ByClass>. =head1 AUTHOR Toby Inkster E<lt>tobyink@cpan.orgE<gt>. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE This software is copyright (c) 2013-2014, 2017-2021 by Toby Inkster. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =head1 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.