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Edit File: Template.pm
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # This file was preprocessed, do not edit! package Debconf::Template; use strict; use POSIX; use FileHandle; use Debconf::Gettext; use Text::Wrap; use Text::Tabs; use Debconf::Db; use Debconf::Iterator; use Debconf::Question; use fields qw(template); use Debconf::Log q{:all}; use Debconf::Encoding; use Debconf::Config; our %template; $Debconf::Template::i18n=1; our %known_field = map { $_ => 1 } qw{template description choices default type}; binmode(STDOUT); binmode(STDERR); sub new { my Debconf::Template $this=shift; my $template=shift || die "no template name specified"; my $owner=shift || 'unknown'; my $type=shift || die "no template type specified"; if ($Debconf::Db::templates->exists($template) and $Debconf::Db::templates->owners($template)) { if ($Debconf::Db::config->exists($template)) { my $q=Debconf::Question->get($template); $q->addowner($owner, $type) if $q; } else { my $q=Debconf::Question->new($template, $owner, $type); $q->template($template); } my @owners=$Debconf::Db::templates->owners($template); foreach my $question (@owners) { my $q=Debconf::Question->get($question); if (! $q) { warn sprintf(gettext("warning: possible database corruption. Will attempt to repair by adding back missing question %s."), $question); my $newq=Debconf::Question->new($question, $owner, $type); $newq->template($template); } } $this = fields::new($this); $this->{template}=$template; return $template{$template}=$this; } unless (ref $this) { $this = fields::new($this); } $this->{template}=$template; if ($Debconf::Db::config->exists($template)) { my $q=Debconf::Question->get($template); $q->addowner($owner, $type) if $q; } else { my $q=Debconf::Question->new($template, $owner, $type); $q->template($template); } return unless $Debconf::Db::templates->addowner($template, $template, $type); $Debconf::Db::templates->setfield($template, 'type', $type); return $template{$template}=$this; } sub get { my Debconf::Template $this=shift; my $template=shift; return $template{$template} if exists $template{$template}; if ($Debconf::Db::templates->exists($template)) { $this = fields::new($this); $this->{template}=$template; return $template{$template}=$this; } return undef; } sub i18n { my $class=shift; $Debconf::Template::i18n=shift; } sub load { my $this=shift; my $file=shift; my @ret; my $fh; if (ref $file) { $fh=$file; } else { $fh=FileHandle->new($file) || die "$file: $!"; } local $/="\n\n"; # read a template at a time. while (<$fh>) { my %data; my $save = sub { my $field=shift; my $value=shift; my $extended=shift; my $file=shift; $extended=~s/\n+$//; if ($field ne '') { if (exists $data{$field}) { die sprintf(gettext("Template #%s in %s has a duplicate field \"%s\" with new value \"%s\". Probably two templates are not properly separated by a lone newline.\n"), $., $file, $field, $value); } $data{$field}=$value; $data{"extended_$field"}=$extended if length $extended; } }; s/^\n+//; s/\n+$//; my ($field, $value, $extended)=('', '', ''); foreach my $line (split "\n", $_) { chomp $line; if ($line=~/^([-_@.A-Za-z0-9]*):\s?(.*)/) { $save->($field, $value, $extended, $file); $field=lc $1; $value=$2; $value=~s/\s*$//; $extended=''; my $basefield=$field; $basefield=~s/-.+$//; if (! $known_field{$basefield}) { warn sprintf(gettext("Unknown template field '%s', in stanza #%s of %s\n"), $field, $., $file); } } elsif ($line=~/^\s\.$/) { $extended.="\n\n"; } elsif ($line=~/^\s(\s+.*)/) { my $bit=$1; $bit=~s/\s*$//; $extended.="\n" if length $extended && $extended !~ /[\n ]$/; $extended.=$bit."\n"; } elsif ($line=~/^\s(.*)/) { my $bit=$1; $bit=~s/\s*$//; $extended.=' ' if length $extended && $extended !~ /[\n ]$/; $extended.=$bit; } else { die sprintf(gettext("Template parse error near `%s', in stanza #%s of %s\n"), $line, $., $file); } } $save->($field, $value, $extended, $file); die sprintf(gettext("Template #%s in %s does not contain a 'Template:' line\n"), $., $file) unless $data{template}; my $template=$this->new($data{template}, @_, $data{type}); $template->clearall; foreach my $key (keys %data) { next if $key eq 'template'; $template->$key($data{$key}); } push @ret, $template; } return @ret; } sub template { my $this=shift; return $this->{template}; } sub fields { my $this=shift; return $Debconf::Db::templates->fields($this->{template}); } sub clearall { my $this=shift; foreach my $field ($this->fields) { $Debconf::Db::templates->removefield($this->{template}, $field); } } sub stringify { my $this=shift; my @templatestrings; foreach (ref $this ? $this : @_) { my $data=''; foreach my $key ('template', 'type', (grep { $_ ne 'template' && $_ ne 'type'} sort $_->fields)) { next if $key=~/^extended_/; if ($key =~ m/-[a-z]{2}_[a-z]{2}(@[^_@.])?(-fuzzy)?$/) { my $casekey=$key; $casekey=~s/([a-z]{2})(@[^_@.]|)(-fuzzy|)$/uc($1).$2.$3/eg; $data.=ucfirst($casekey).": ".$_->$key."\n"; } else { $data.=ucfirst($key).": ".$_->$key."\n"; } my $e="extended_$key"; my $ext=$_->$e; if (defined $ext) { $Text::Wrap::break = qr/\n|\s(?=\S)/; my $extended=expand(wrap(' ', ' ', $ext)); $extended=~s/(\n )+\n/\n .\n/g; $data.=$extended."\n" if length $extended; } } push @templatestrings, $data; } return join("\n", @templatestrings); } sub _addterritory { my $locale=shift; my $territory=shift; $locale=~s/^([^_@.]+)/$1$territory/; return $locale; } sub _addcharset { my $locale=shift; my $charset=shift; $locale=~s/^([^@.]+)/$1$charset/; return $locale; } sub _getlocalelist { my $locale=shift; $locale=~s/(@[^.]+)//; my $modifier=$1; my ($lang, $territory, $charset)=($locale=~m/^ ([^_@.]+) # Language (_[^_@.]+)? # Territory (\..+)? # Charset /x); my (@ret) = ($lang); @ret = map { $_.$modifier, $_} @ret if defined $modifier; @ret = map { _addterritory($_,$territory), $_} @ret if defined $territory; @ret = map { _addcharset($_,$charset), $_} @ret if defined $charset; return @ret; } sub _getlangs { my $language=setlocale(LC_MESSAGES); my @langs = (); if (exists $ENV{LANGUAGE} && $ENV{LANGUAGE} ne '') { foreach (split(/:/, $ENV{LANGUAGE})) { push (@langs, _getlocalelist($_)); } } return @langs, _getlocalelist($language); } my @langs=map { lc $_ } _getlangs(); sub AUTOLOAD { (my $field = our $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*://; no strict 'refs'; *$AUTOLOAD = sub { my $this=shift; if (@_) { return $Debconf::Db::templates->setfield($this->{template}, $field, shift); } my $ret; my $want_i18n = $Debconf::Template::i18n && Debconf::Config->c_values ne 'true'; if ($want_i18n && @langs) { foreach my $lang (@langs) { $lang = 'en' if $lang eq 'c'; $ret=$Debconf::Db::templates->getfield($this->{template}, $field.'-'.$lang); return $ret if defined $ret; if ($Debconf::Encoding::charmap) { foreach my $f ($Debconf::Db::templates->fields($this->{template})) { if ($f =~ /^\Q$field-$lang\E\.(.+)/) { my $encoding = $1; $ret = Debconf::Encoding::convert($encoding, $Debconf::Db::templates->getfield($this->{template}, lc($f))); return $ret if defined $ret; } } } last if $lang eq 'en'; } } elsif (not $want_i18n && $field !~ /-c$/i) { $ret=$Debconf::Db::templates->getfield($this->{template}, $field.'-c'); return $ret if defined $ret; } $ret=$Debconf::Db::templates->getfield($this->{template}, $field); return $ret if defined $ret; if ($field =~ /-/) { (my $plainfield = $field) =~ s/-.*//; $ret=$Debconf::Db::templates->getfield($this->{template}, $plainfield); return $ret if defined $ret; return ''; } return ''; }; goto &$AUTOLOAD; } sub DESTROY {} use overload '""' => sub { my $template=shift; $template->template; }; 1