0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: SecretService.cpython-310.pyc
o ���a� � @ s� d dl mZ d dlZddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddl m Z mZmZm Z zd dlZd dlmZ W n ey= Y n eyE Y nw e�e�ZG dd � d e�ZdS ) � )�closingN� )� properties)�KeyringBackend)�SimpleCredential)� InitError�PasswordDeleteError�ExceptionRaisedContext� KeyringLockedc @ sV e Zd ZdZdZejedd� ��Zdd� Z dd� Z d d � Zdd� Zd d� Z dd� ZdS )�KeyringzSecret Service KeyringzPython keyring libraryc C s� t � �}tj W d � n1 sw Y |rtd��tjdk r%td��z$tt�� ��}t�|�s6td��W d � W dS 1 sBw Y W dS tj y\ } ztd| ��d }~ww )NzSecretStorage required)� r z#SecretStorage 3.2 or newer requiredzJThe Secret Service daemon is neither running nor activatable through D-Busz&Unable to initialize SecretService: %s� ) r � secretstorage�__name__�RuntimeError�__version_tuple__r � dbus_init�check_service_availability� exceptions�SecretStorageException)�cls�exc� connection�e� r �@/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/keyring/backends/SecretService.py�priority s, � �������zKeyring.priorityc C s| t �� }zt| d�rt �|| j�}nt �|�}W n tjy+ } ztd| ��d}~ww |� � r<|� � |� � r<td��|S )z�If self.preferred_collection contains a D-Bus path, the collection at that address is returned. Otherwise, the default collection is returned. �preferred_collectionz$Failed to create the collection: %s.Nz Failed to unlock the collection!)r r �hasattr� Collectionr �get_default_collectionr r r � is_locked�unlockr )�self�bus� collectionr r r r �get_preferred_collection3 s ���z Keyring.get_preferred_collectionc C s&