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TL;DL: setfont /usr/share/consolefonts/UbuntuMono-R-8x16.psf setfont /usr/share/consolefonts/UbuntuMono-B-8x16.psf About these Ubuntu Mono console PSF fonts: These are early bitmap snapshots of the Ubuntu Mono fonts built with a very limited charater set. Please feel free to experiment and give feedback to improve the state of the hinting: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-font-family/+filebug?field.title=Mono:+Hinting:... Warning about the italics (RI, BI): A note that italics will *not* work on the console very well. This is because the diagonal slant of the characters takes the glyphs beyond the edges of the cell. When being rendered for console use these end up being cropped at the edges. For the moment the italics are only included for completeness. Good luck, and happy experimenting. For more details, see the: debian/console/ directory in the package source code. -Paul Sladen, 2011-09-27