0x1949 Team - FAZEMRX - MANAGER
Edit File: Object.pm
package Moo::Object; use strict; use warnings; use Carp (); our %NO_BUILD; our %NO_DEMOLISH; our $BUILD_MAKER; our $DEMOLISH_MAKER; sub new { my $class = shift; unless (exists $NO_DEMOLISH{$class}) { unless ($NO_DEMOLISH{$class} = !$class->can('DEMOLISH')) { ($DEMOLISH_MAKER ||= do { require Method::Generate::DemolishAll; Method::Generate::DemolishAll->new })->generate_method($class); } } my $proto = $class->BUILDARGS(@_); $NO_BUILD{$class} and return bless({}, $class); $NO_BUILD{$class} = !$class->can('BUILD') unless exists $NO_BUILD{$class}; $NO_BUILD{$class} ? bless({}, $class) : bless({}, $class)->BUILDALL($proto); } # Inlined into Method::Generate::Constructor::_generate_args() - keep in sync sub BUILDARGS { my $class = shift; scalar @_ == 1 ? ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? { %{ $_[0] } } : Carp::croak("Single parameters to new() must be a HASH ref" . " data => ". $_[0]) : @_ % 2 ? Carp::croak("The new() method for $class expects a hash reference or a" . " key/value list. You passed an odd number of arguments") : {@_} ; } sub BUILDALL { my $self = shift; $self->${\(($BUILD_MAKER ||= do { require Method::Generate::BuildAll; Method::Generate::BuildAll->new })->generate_method(ref($self)))}(@_); } sub DEMOLISHALL { my $self = shift; $self->${\(($DEMOLISH_MAKER ||= do { require Method::Generate::DemolishAll; Method::Generate::DemolishAll->new })->generate_method(ref($self)))}(@_); } sub does { return !!0 unless ($INC{'Moose/Role.pm'} || $INC{'Role/Tiny.pm'}); require Moo::Role; my $does = Moo::Role->can("does_role"); { no warnings 'redefine'; *does = $does } goto &$does; } # duplicated in Moo::Role sub meta { require Moo::HandleMoose::FakeMetaClass; my $class = ref($_[0])||$_[0]; bless({ name => $class }, 'Moo::HandleMoose::FakeMetaClass'); } 1;